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Posts posted by RioGentleman

  1. Well it's settled....I am tipping my hat to you all and bidding you all farewell. 3dx has been an interesting experience....its had its ups and downs.  As of lately though its really lost that luster and fun that drew me into this world the first time. Time to pack up and move on, to my friends that I have made...may you all have the best of luck and great things come into your lives, to my enemies...I made you a cake! It's delicious! Cuz I'm way too lazy to hold grudges, and to the people I have never had a chance to meet yet, may 3dx bring you your own great adventures, and don't drink the beer I hear someone coded it the wrong way and now it's laced with poison!!! I wish everyone the best and am happy to have been a part of a....interesting family. Be well and stay safe guys and girls of the 3dx world.

    Love you all,

  2. Haha, Well both my SN in here and SN on 3DX have their own meanings:

    RioGentleman:: Pretty simple, I was raised right by my family to always be a gentleman, and in such that's what keeps me a nice relaxed guy....also what keeps me off the forums and usually off of 3dx, drama and me don't really get along lol it messes with my nice relaxed nature.


    KeepinitRio: Simple as well, it used to be my old DJ name, which I got from when i tried to open my own Clothing store haha, which was called Keepin it Rio....it does fit my nature, I am always the one my friends come to when they need someone who can be compassionate, yet tell it like it is. I am always relaxed and laid back and think lifes too short to be all in peoples faces why not just take a chill pill and kick back and relax


    Now for the Rio part?? Hahaha I live in Bahia, but people around the world instantly recognize RIO as part of brazil.

  3. <--- i think thats me!!! wait hang on!!!!! *looks in mirror* well i havent shaved today so damn he looks way better then me right now lol :o now if only i actually had a Tardis too i could use my other pic

  4. I would like an aquarium :), maybe some pets, lol you're all a bunch of frisky dogs n kittes with your love of "3somes, sex machines, etc." I just want to have a puppy...


    altough  Abbey is right drinks would be great!! Maybe a bar you can mix your own drinks with, lol turn tables that work like the new Stereos we have  and glowsticks :) maybe some glowing body paint too :)

  5. I think a set of tattoos would be great, maybe some added graphics for tees. ( i mean hello kitty is the bomb and all) but it it would be nice and i think the ladies have it right they need more make-up :) i mean not that all of em aren't already beautiful <3 lol

  6. But you can't spell Pie without I then all you get is PE :( n no one likes PE :( and with Cake I mean there's so many varieties of Cake as much as Pie. I think its honestly more of a Stalemate then one being better. Remember Without an I you get PE or CAKE :) Do you like PE? lol

  7. holy cow now it all makes sense to me lol, i thought everyone just was suffering from some crazy tick or something or that you all were part of the same Asylum... also. Hodor Ho...d..or :)

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