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Everything posted by ~SBM~

  1. I've been thinking about this lately and came to the conclusion that good always wins over evil. I believe that good reflects light and evil darkness. Every day we are met with a sunrise which represents good and the sun set and on coming of evening and darkness is a representation of evil. Even when darkness takes over, we still have light from the moon and stars. As long as someone is willing to shine their light in the darkness, they will always win over evil. I will admit that doing evil is easier than doing good. The best way I could explain it is if you can imagine that you are in a canoe trying to go up river against the current. My ex-brother in law and I canoed on a lake and the wind changed and it was nearly impossible for us to get back to shore. We did eventually but it took all of our efforts. Sometimes the struggle between good and evil is very difficult but it is worth it. For some reason our brains are wired to seek evil. Just think, when you eat food, why is it that the foods that you like most are bad for you or why is it that alcohol and drugs which destroys your body feels yet feels so good to your brain. It's almost like our brains are hard wired to enjoy evil and self destruction. I think if we are able to override your genetic impulses there is hope. We need to search good and reject evil as much as possible. I hope this makes sense, I understand myself but others might not
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpFW4Yhy08k
  3. This is a beautiful and touching subject and I agree 100%. I thought i'd share this song, it's well known but it's touching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmC3rJR7E98
  4. Hey DocQ, you made some very great points, thank's for sharing that. I agree with pretty much everything you said but I just want to add a couple points. One drawback to falling in love over he internet is that many people on the internet wear masks and aren't genuinely themselves. These people are role-playing which is completely OK, but makes it very hard to know their true selves. For example sometimes you will see pictures on someone's profile and with a little internet search you will find out that the person on the picture is a professional model and clearly not the person you are chatting with. Or other times you have a male role-playing as a female and vice versa. Now I know that there are ways around this like chatting outside the game on skype or meeting in person. But for me love is only possible if the person is being genuinely themselves. Also i'm not a believer of love at first sight. I believe that it takes time to get to know someone and to genuinely get to know their inner soul. You can't find your soulmate unless you get to know them first. The problem with this environment is that the sexual aspect clouds people's perception on love. My opinion is that instead of being in love many people here are infatuated with the idea of being in love. Also, I find marriage in this game is more of a status symbol than actual genuine love. I recall someone once telling me that they had "won the game" because they were married. I always found that to be a very odd statement. One thing I will add is that while it is important to have a physical attraction to the other person, physical beauty eventually fades. If you don't actually have an emotional connection than your relationship is doomed to fail. What I look for is for someone's inner beauty, someone with a beautiful soul and someone I can trust. If I can find that, then I would be ready to jump in and take a leap of faith. ~sirbigmac~
  5. After experiencing the 3dx virtual world I've heard opposing views on this subject, so I thought I'd do a post about it to see what the different view points are. In my 3dx experience I found it very hard to trust anyone and without trust there is no love, but that's just me. Now I know there are many online dating sites and other online adult games where people can meet and begin relationships. This is just a general question but please stick to the topic. My personal opinion is that love knows no boundaries, even on the world wide web. Your soulmate could be anywhere, even possibly oceans and continents away but that's just me. So I want to start a poll and hopefully get some feedback and see what people think. Please no troll posts and please respect the subject matter. ~sirbigmac~
  6. For me, the only satisfaction comes from a life well lived.... one filled with love, hurt, mountains, valleys.... giving of yourself to others and trying your best to be a light in a dark world, a constant battle between the good and evil that resides inside of you, of never giving up the struggle and fight regardless what life throws your way because after every storm there's a rainbow! I love this song, I believe it embodies just that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0rxydSolwU&list=PLjnLApx_Etknv_mpEuorMca1bdSwbpazv ~sirbigmac~
  7. Hey Nitroo, I definitely agree that the Beatles were onto something with their "All you need is Love" song. But then again.... Perhaps Haddaway was onto something too... lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I Hey VioletVV, your outlook is bleak but funny at the same time. Makes me think of this song by Shooter, i'm so embarrassed I know this one... stupid Dawson's Creek! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQZhyVAJFNg
  8. Here are two more Canadian artists I like: 2Frères https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1fZjz7pm2g Marie Chantal Toupin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0jaTZmoP30 ~sirbigmac~
  9. I thought it would be interesting to start a post so people can share their favourite musicians or bands from their home countries. Since i'm Canadian, I will post solo artists as well as some bands which I enjoy listening to. Please stick to the subject and no troll posts please. La Chicane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUlH0Agh4ZE Eric Lapointe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoxJ0WrPqj0 Since I'm a French Canadian, I went with two French Canadian artists. Looking forward to seeing others share their favourite musicians or bands from their countries. ~sirbigmac~
  10. Two very beautiful songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en2D_5TzXCA&index=22&list=PLKbB8ILR0JqG77fc4E66SVKPM3WxbEU-p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2U0Ivkn2Ds&list=PLKbB8ILR0JqG77fc4E66SVKPM3WxbEU-p&index=16
  11. Alright folks this is an easy one, it's a yes or no question but it's a bit deeper than that. We were all born with the need for attention, without constant love and care, our existence today would be impossible and everyone own your parents a debt of gratitude for getting us this far. Once we get to a certain age, we want new toys thinking it will bring satisfaction. We get older and think what we need is the next popular toy to make us liked by our peers. Then it's the video game consoles, we need the state of the art so our friends are gonna wanna hang with us. In high school it's clothes and shoes, we need the clothes that are in style and we either need to smoke or drink or go to parties, otherwise we are outcasts. Then in adult hood it's getting a nice car, big house, beautiful spouse perfect children, white picket fence etc. I know what i'm saying is heavy and most people will ignore this but does this make people happy really? I can speak for experience and say that nothing in this world makes you happy. Nothing. Unless you've found happiness within yourself, you'll never be able to be happy with other things. You will chase your proverbial tail your whole life trying to find satisfaction. Why are there so many people here, because in the personal life they don't have satisfaction..... I'm hoping to get some serious feedback about this and not just troll comments. Please respect the content and stick to the post thanks. I'm just looking to see what others think. You look at people like Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington and Robert Williams who had everything in life to make them happy and yet each one never found satisfaction... is it possible, this is the question. I hope to get some intelligent feedback.
  12. I absolutely love this song, I think it embodies the struggles between our evil and good sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXf2PbEPQ-Y
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4
  14. This is my soul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cdPeYJh0s
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