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Everything posted by Raeign

  1. It was another wonderful night, this time at The Cathedral, opened by Marwin. I just kept repeating, "will you look at that ceiling". Great crowd, amazing hostess... nothing better for a Little Friday. Thank you to all that attended. Your Little Friday love was much appreciated.
  2. Little Friday is here and you know what that means... some major music with fantastic company, but this week it is with a surprise. We have a guest host that has offered their room for this weeks LF. So be on the lookout for the call sign, "LITTLE FRIDAY with DJ Rae" in the list. If you love classic and hard rock and enjoying your LF with great people, you will not want to miss this week. See you all in about twelve hours!
  3. It is that time again. Little Friday is upon us. Come and show your love for Little Friday.
  4. Another fabulous LF event. Thank you to all that attended. You rock!
  5. Postponing until 3d figures out what its doing. Will update when I reschedule.
  6. It is about that time again. Little Friday is upon us. Tomorrow is going to be a short set (only a few hours compared to my typical four to five) due to the HUGE event happening on Friday. More information on that here: http://3dxforum.com/index.php?/topic/7411-the-perfect-storm-at-absolute/ Hope to see you all at Absolute tomorrow for Little Friday. Peace.
  7. The time is almost, somewhat... sorta, kinda upon us. You should start preparing now to have your arses rocked.
  8. Little Friday is almost upon us and you know what that means... music and mayhem, but this week it is with a surprise. We have a guest host that has offered their room for this weeks LF. So be on the lookout for the call sign, "LITTLE FRIDAY with DJ Rae" in the list. If you love classic rock with a purpose, you will not want to miss this week. See you all tomorrow!
  9. Thank you Starr and everyone for the kind comments. It means a lot to me that you enjoy Absolute and what it brings.
  10. Another well attended night. I want to thank everyone that stopped by and/or stayed. Little Fridays would not exist without you. Rock on.
  11. THE The Perfect Storm is typically defined as an event in which a rare combination of circumstances drastically changes the current situation... Here at Absolute we like to think a perfect storm is a combination of events that causes one amazing and unforgettable night. Absolute Concert Series presents Like A Storm and Halestorm Two bands. One night. August 31st @ Absolute
  12. Happy Little Friday everyone. Today IS the day.
  13. This is now the official Little Friday thread for updates, time changes and cancellations. Please refer back to the first post. Yes, my friend... it is now definitely a thing. <3
  14. Average of 50 people. Great rock. Amazing requests. Good time had by all? Priceless. It seems Little Friday was a success and everyone enjoyed. (minus the crash at the end). I want to thank everyone that came, visited or stayed to enjoy LF at Absolute. Rock on people. Rock on.
  15. It is Little Friday. Hope you all are ready.
  16. Lit·tle Fri·day @ Ab·so·lute The Urban dictionary defines Little Friday as the nickname for Thursday. In other words, Friday just called, it said it would be here tomorrow and its bringin' the alcohol! Whether you are struggling through your week, just cruisin', or you are ready, willing and desperately waiting for Friday, join us in Absolute where the hard rock will help carry you through the most challenging part of the week. Given the overwhelmingly positive response to this event, Thursdays are now officially known as "Little Fridays" here at Absolute. Rock starts at 8pm EST with DJ Rae. * This is the official (and continual) thread for Little Fridays. Stop by for weekly updates, time changes or cancellations.
  17. Today... is the day. Are you ready to be free?
  18. You know it. I know it. We have all known this feeling at some point in our lives. Struggling with the pure hatred of the job we do. Working for the soulless institution for feeble wages. Well one amongst us has defiantly said "No more!" (and probably a few other choice words like 'frack this shite' before grabbing a beer). So, with the cry, something akin to William Wallace in Braveheart, we scream, "They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!" Join us in Absolute as we celebrate one man's journey from the abyss. Hard rock, mayhem and the festivity of freedom ensues. July 24th, starting at 9pm EST. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it to Absolute.
  19. Less than three days away. #excited
  20. *laughs* Yeah, you will be there.
  21. du·al·i·ty /d(y)o͞oˈalədē/ noun 1. the quality or condition of being dual. 2. an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism. What is better than one amazing DJ bringing you the music you want and need in a place you know and love? The answer is simple. Two rockin' DJ's to make your Saturday night loud, continuing your weekend the best way we know.... with music. Night and day. Light and dark. Above and below. Life and death. Black and white. Rock and roll. Cats and dogs. *rawr* In essence... two parts of a whole. ABSOLUTE presents the latest in events, Duality. Two very different DJ's bringing you the best of both of their styles in one absolutely amazing night. Saturday, July 21st. Party is starting at 8pm EST.
  22. Got some down time on a Thursday night? Awesome! Rocking it out in Absolute? A Must! Joining us for LoriD amazing Birthday Bash? Priceless! You know you want it. You need it. Join us Thursday @ 8:30pm EST as we celebrate LoriD birthday and the fantabulous person that she is. Bring your avatar. Bring your requests. Bring you birthday wishes. Bring your craving for ROCK! I promise you, your needs will be met.
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