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Everything posted by Raeign

  1. Please see THIS post for information on this weeks Little Friday
  2. dec·ades at ab·so·lute Every decade, a period of ten years, music has proven to change and to grow so much, that it is worthy to look at each decades idea of hard rock and examine how it has influenced today's bands. Starting with the 70's, a time reflecting the antiwar and counterculture sentiments and the political unrest that carried over from the 60's; tie dye shirts, ponchos, bell-bottoms, gauchos, and frayed jeans; lava lamps and vinyl records; Mork and Mindy (rest in peace Robin Williams); Apocalypse Now, Alien, Superman, Grease, and - The Godfather (it gives 'to the mattress' a completely different meaning) and - the beginning of the Star Wars empire (see what I did there?); and the list goes on. But mostly it was the beginning of the journey of what people considered to be 'heavy metal'. Roots of heavy metal come from bands like Blue Cheer and Jimmy Hendrix but officially the first band cited as heavy metal is... Come to Absolute on Little Friday for that answer, and you will understand the musical journey of hard rock through the 70's and beyond. This will be a five week series as we go through the decades, exploring the various influences to the music you listen to today.
  3. For most of you, when St. Patrick's Day rolls around, you toss on some green, you have a beer or two, thinking you have done your due diligence for the day, but the reality is, very few of you know what the day meant and means to the true 'irish'. Did you know... March 17th marks the saint's death;Parades, which are now heavily tied to St. Patrick's Day, did not start in Ireland, but in Boston (go Bruins!) in 1737;Why green? Most think it is for Ireland, but in reality, the tradition of wearing green only became commonplace in the 19th century. Until then, the color most commonly associated with St. Patrick was actually blue;St. Patrick wasn't even Irish. (what?) You heard me. Patrick was originally thought to come from either Wales or Scotland, where he was abducted and brought to Northern Ireland as a slave. This is just a bit about the holiday that you may have not known, but now that you do, shake yourself out of that shock and surprise (or drunken stupor - if you are still celebrating SPD) and join us in Absolute as we bring you some fine tunes and 'diddly' music to honor the NOT Irish, blue loving day to commemorate the death of a beloved saint that gives you an excuse to drink for no apparently good reason. Music begins at 8est. Don't forget to don your green, because hey... it is now tradition regardless of how it started, eh?
  4. Due to DST (in my part of the world) kicking in, I am moving my start time back to 8pm est. This week is going to be very ROAR like, with respect to last Friday's International Women's Day. Nothing like some strong female vocals fronting some hard rock and metal. Join us on the barge for another fracking fantastic Little Friday.
  5. *begin transmission...* In case you were not aware, today is Little Friday. ...are YOU ready? *end transmission*
  6. Just a taste... Wherever I may wander, wherever I may roam, I adapt to the unknown, under wandering stars I've grown The less I have, the more I gain, off the beaten path I reign, Wherever I may roam, Absolute will always be my home.
  7. Today is the day. Grab your torches and pitchforks, your bows, glocks... bazookas. Whatever it takes. That little bastard is still lingering around and he is going down TONIGHT! Down with Cupid. Although late, happy unimaginative, consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance day.
  8. Anti-Valentines: Rage Against the Cupid You know the truth... love sucks at times! With the airwaves full of testaments to the power of love and on Valentines Day, reaching insulting proportions, we are here for you with counter programming. Whether you're just not a fan of V-Day, recently broken up, happily unattached, or just looking for great music and good company, join us for ABSOLUTES Anti V-Day event. Like an ill-advised sexual encounter with a vacuum cleaner, it will prove that love can both hurt and suck. Monday, February 18th at 8pm EST DJ Raevaen with possible guest DJ.
  9. Greetings rockers! As most of you know, I concluded my time here in 3dx in December, thinking I would be away for some time. Clearly that was not to be the case. A group of Absolute fans decided my absence was long enough, rallying for a return in many ways. Due to their kindness, I am back and here to rock your Little Friday's once again. So please join me, and those that instigated the bat.... er, Raeven signal, as we rock 3dx as you remember it. Thank you all for your kindness in welcoming my return. Rock on people. Rock on.
  10. Lit·tle Fri·day @ Ab·so·lute The Urban dictionary defines Little Friday as the nickname for Thursday. In other words, Friday just called, it said it would be here tomorrow and its bringin' the alcohol! Whether you are struggling through your week, just cruisin', or you are ready, willing and desperately waiting for Friday, join us in Absolute where the hard rock will help carry you through the most challenging part of the week. Thursdays are officially known as "Little Fridays" here at Absolute. Rock starts at 8pm EST with DJ Rae. * This is the official (and continual) thread for Little Fridays. Stop by for weekly updates, time changes or cancellations.
  11. *TRANSMISSION FROM OUT IN SPACE* I wanted to thank you all for being a part of Little Friday and to let you know that Little Friday WILL CONTINUE under a different venue with my favorite DJ, DJ Vixen. She has built a wonderful new club called the Wet Hop that you will really enjoy. So, take the time, stop by and enjoy the Little Friday's you know, at a new place you will love. God speed all. *END TRANSMISSION*
  12. UPDATE: Apologies for the delay everyone, but this set will be starting an hour later due to some RL disruptions. That just means we are going to run longer. So please bear with me. Thank you.
  13. So... for those that might have missed Little Friday this week, this will be the last event in Absolute, as my time has come to an end here. I would like to thank all those that visited Absolute and those that continually supported the idea that a community of like minded people could gather and enjoy music, without the need for dramatics and chaos. That a place could exist as a haven to relax from the stressors of the world, to have great conversations, laughter... enjoying the company of good people. To especially add to the vocabulary an ever important word that will benefit you through life... FRACK! To know that the door was and will always remain broken since the moment Savage walked through it. To the many hours of 'deck chicken' and avoiding the sharks. To the swords and axes, carried by the "Keepers of the Barge", ready to perform a Blood Eagle whenever necessary. To all the shots of vodka and rum consumed... To all the hard rock that was ever played. But mostly, I salute you... the people that came into Absolute and made it what it became. I thank you for an experience like no other. As my bestie would say... "less than three" to all of you. Rae
  14. They say, the only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come. Prudent thoughts indeed, but in this instance, it isn't a bad thing to look back at Absolute, version 2018. Prepare yourselves for ROCK REDUX 2018 at Absolute, where we will be revisiting the Absolute events throughout this past year. Volbeat, Anti-Valentines:Rage Against The Cupid, In Honour, All Hallows Eve, ROAR, the Dualities and Trifectas, the Classic Rock sets as well as Covers, and lastly, the unpresented Perfect Storm. A blast from the recent past as each hour holds a reminder of events you have (or sadly, have not) witnessed. December 29th, starting at 2pm est and running until all events have been redux'ed (that is at least eight hours), stop by and enjoy the memories of Absolute or... make new ones. ... It has been my greatest pleasure to share 2018 with you all.
  15. As we approach the end of 2018, join me in Absolute for the last Little Friday event of Absolute. Much as you know. Hard rock, good people and a 'new' build. If you are a Absolute regular, you will not want to miss this. If you have never been, stop by, check out the place, the music and the people. Don't have the regret of missing this event.
  16. Starting in three hours! *rawr* ... a different kind of roar.
  17. Nooo. Meagan is Down With The Sickness. You can pull a Rhet and come lay on the floor.
  18. I did not advertise last week (my bad), still got a great crowd. Thank you to all that attended. *throws the forum at you to get your attention* "Hey.... you know the drill." ... 12.13.18 at 18:30 ish ...
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