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Everything posted by Lilcal

  1. Question..There are 10 women who liked my original post.. and three or so arguing against it.. how does that fit into your "most women" arguments?? I guess they aren't most women either. I will jessica ty! Its beautiful and snow covered outside.. I will spend some time sitting on my deck sipping my coffee. Watching my dogs and my boy play in the snow. You have a great day too!
  2. I just really like pikachu and wanted you to keep postin him dancin around.. its darn cute. The troll was kinda creepy though..
  3. ROB! I think this all your fault dammit. lol you said somethin nice and now all the people that dont like you are out to argue for argument sake! spankins for you young man!
  4. Thread Title.." The THings Men Do Wrong in 3dx Chat" hmm which word ya think it was that tripped me up??? There are some really big hard ones in there.. Maybe you could come tutor me??
  5. Jessica: Redundant huh? kinda like 100 pages of arguing that a topic is bad bad bad when its already an illegal activity? Already against the TOS? Already looked upon as terrible and wrong by the mainstream..the empathy and the educated assumptions.. sorry i guess its just me thats not allowed to be "Redundant". Oh Im probably not allowed to talk about that huh? As for the rest of the post, once again your just arguing my point for me. The punch in the face thing? Seee i would actually like that.. I grew up fighting I love to fight.. there was a time i walked around lookin for it at all times.. but you grow up and realize that you dont want to spend your life in jail.. sooooo.. if someone gave me a reason to fight, and punching me in the face would do that, without the risk of going to jail? ya i tend to like the idea very much. Call it a Napolean complex if you will.. but being the little 5ft chick that fights like a bad ass?? always been a turn on for me! SOOOOO ty once again No one speaks for me but me.. The stupid flowers thing?? I hate them I think they are a thoughtless waste of money.. I asked for a new oven and HIDs for my car this year for Christmas.. sooo ty once again for arguing my point. But "most" women must like them.. since you say so. I will say again.. no one has experienced this world the same way that I have.. therefore no one can speak for me but me. No one has experienced this world in the exact same way that you have.. so no one can speak for you but you! Your experiences.. assumptions, opinions dont allow you to speak for anyone else. Just this whole argument pretty much proves my point... we disagree we differ you can not speak for others.
  6. Well good morning.. lol.. i have a confession.. mmmhmm Im a drama queen. Evidenced by the fact that I have been here 2 years and this is my first thread..only the 4th or so time Ive ever posted at all.. as for the WC comment.. when have you seen me even talk in WC let alone have "drama"?? Or anywhere in world for that matter?? The least you could do with these sad nonsensical "opnions" is base them on some sort of factual content. NEXT!!!! I really dont understand the uproar here.. I only said that no one speaks for me.. and I still say that.. as far as Im concerned most of these posts are still continuing to prove my original point for me. In fact Im even more firmly planted in my statement that there is not one of you qualified to speak for me! I understand Ciera gettin mad as i mentioned her post.. but it was the last one I read, the straw that broke the camels back we shall say.. there are so many in here where people profess to speak for all. Or push someone who doesnt fall into line, or ummm mainstream opinion, as so many in this very thread want to use to justify their speaking for the majority with. Because something is mainstream doesnt mean that it is right nor does it mean that it speaks for a majority of anything. Turn off your tvs people.. kinda like the internet just because you saw something there doesnt make it true! So it doesnt matter how many studies are out there.. if you have not done the research and yes talked to the majority that you purport to speak for, I say again, all you are doing is blowing nonsense out of your mouths. I say again.. NO ONE SPEAKS FOR ME BUT ME!! YOU SPEAK FOR NO ONE BUT YOURSELVES. Im sure I would have the same ppl in here ranting and raving if I has said the opposite, the point your all tryin to make, I Speak for most women when i say... it gives me a good morning laugh. Wait lemme guess.. Most women dont like to be laughed at right?!?! Now lets get on with it shall we... Twiggy..... quoted from your post #32...When I say where I feel most women, and here please note I have never said all women, it is my opinion that most women do think that way. For example I have said that most new women players coming into 3DX would see the names and themes in the rooms list and have pointed out how I feel most would feel about it. Does adding the word opinion to your statement about most women change the fact that you are absolutely claiming to speak for most women?? lets try this.. "Cal! It is my opinion that your a dirty cuntmuffin!!" Did adding the word opinion mean I didn't just call myself a dirty cuntmuffin??? Again lets inject some reality into your delusion that you speak for the majority of anyone. Just because you add the words.. it is my opinion.. to the statement still doesn't mean you speak for anyone but your damn self. Quoted from you last post #41...Well why didn't you simply come in and say you don't agree with what I say instead of going on about people not speaking for you. LOL... um because I didnt want to?? I wrote a post about no one speaking for me or for all women or all anything else. My opinions are moot. Doesnt matter if I agree or disagree with one thing you have said..you still do not speak for me. Because we may share one opinion in common does not mean you speak for me. The only opinions that I have stated were in direct response to your direct questions. The statement that you do not speak for me is not an opinion.. it is fact!! #41 again..As for you having no desire to try change my mind on things, what the hell was your post all about then if not to try change how we go about things. I stated that no one speaks for me but me.. I never tried to change a damn thing. I stated that it rubbed me wrong when people believe they speak for anyone else. Still does maybe even more so now. And umm you still do not speak for me! Im even more adamant now.. #41 again..By saying that you are saying exactly the same thing, using your opinion of how most women think to not be the same as you. HUH? I dont know how most women think... again and again i say I simply dont know most women. And my opinion of myself isnt so inflated that I believe I can speak for most of them. #41 You can have your opinion, truly that is fine by me, but don't come in these forums and try tell me I can't have mine because it doesn't agree with yours. So now you think that you can not only speak for me, but tell me what I can and can not do?? hahaha..I didnt do that. I never once said that anyone couldnt have their own opinion, in fact i said exactly the opposite. My post was about people purporting to speak for others... nothing more nothing less.. BUUUUUT... what if i did? "but don't come in these forums and try tell me I can't have mine".. lol or what?!?! I cant tell ppl they dont speak for me but you can tell me what I am and am not allowed to do with my time here in the forums?? My original point.. argued for me.. TY and goodbye.
  7. Again Twiggy I have no desire to try and change your mind about this or anything else.. But your opinion does not reflect mine..and you do not speak for me in any fashion or form. I am not most women.. I am me. You can say most women all you want.. again unless you have spoken with most women.. thats all you are doing, speaking. Professing to be all knowing and righteous in your opinions for us all. Anyone can speak, it doesn't mean that what falls out of their mouths holds any fact or significance to anyone else. I will say it again.. I AM NOT MOST WOMEN.. you do not speak for me. I and I alone speak for me. You do not know whats best for me simply because we have a vagina in common. Assuming that you speak for anyone but yourself says to me that you have an inflated self worth.
  8. Twiggy.. I dont know why you have taken what I have said as a direct insult to you.. nor do I care. As for the saying, "most women" .. there are aprox. 3,710,295,643 women in the world. Yaay google.. have you spoken to most of them, specifically about the topic in which you are speaking for most of them? Most, being over half I would assume. That is the only way for you to speak for "most" of them. You can only speak for you, I can only speak for me!! I never spoke to someones right to voice or have their own opinion except to say that we are all entitled to ours and they wont ever all be the same. I spoke to the tendencies of people to think they speak for others. I do agree that people do horrible things to each other in game.. and it is my opinion that it shouldnt happen. However in reality it does happen.. and except for in extreme cases anyone can decide to no longer deal with it. Through several different means actually.. iggy being of course the most obvious of them. Im an adult I can simply stop interacting with someone who is causing my game to be less than enjoyable as well... or I can simply leave the game altogether. All of which is in my power and my choice. You are correct that I haven't voiced my opinion on most of these topics.. simply because I have no desire to debate opinions or try and change the minds of you or anyone else. But since I was asked direct questions I will of course answer them: what do think would be the view of most women on some of the themes of the rooms that have been getting more and more regular in the game.......... I haven't the slightest clue as what most women think of them.. I simply don't know that many women. Even if I did, unless we have had a specific conversation about it I would not presume to know their opinions. My guess would be that you would encounter some that were into them.. some that werent.. some that were indifferent. So what is your opinion on these rooms, and even further what is your opinion on how other women would see them? Let us know the effect you feel those rooms will have on new women and men coming in the game, how it reflects on the game it self. What is your opinion on so many guys playing as females in the game and letting everybody believe to actually saying they are actually females in real life. ?.......... Personally I find these rooms (of course Im assuming that you are talking bout the rooms from the threads that were deleted) gross.. I think that ppl with these fantasies most likely have deeper issues. I stay away from these ppl. I do not however think that i speak for anyone but myself in that opinion. I can not speak as to how females will view them because I dont know the females in question and we have never spoken about this topic. And finally... Males playing females.. I have stated before that I have expectations of the people who choose to interact with me. I choose to interact with people who are honest with me. I can not however insure that everyone who chooses to do so will be. I can and will remove them from my existence if I find they havent been. And then I will move right along. But since there are so many men playing as women my opinion is obviously not shared by everyone, I dont like to be lied to.. not because women dont like to be lied to.. or blondes dont like to be lied to.. or short ppl dont like to be lied to.. but because I dont like to be lied to. To your very last point.. no. I dont believe that because I stated that no one speaks for me but me that I should feel any obligation to share my opinions if I dont so choose. I did so above because I was asked a direct question. Or questions as the case may be.
  9. If I were confused I certainly would have said so. Minus the catty tone, I agree with ya. I just dont see how what Niblette said contradicts either of our posts. Let me be clear though.. I am not talking about people doing things that are against the law.. or TOS. Reality is we live by rules and laws and are obligated to follow them even if we disagree with them.
  10. I have a male avi.. or had now I have to save up the xgold. I have not noticed my cooter morphing into a pecker.. lol. So no, I dont believe a woman having a male avi means shes not a woman in rl. I made it male simply because, when I am on my alt, I dont feel like chatting. I just want to watch the chatter in world or local and not have to engage in convo. Yes I absolutely have voyeuristic tendencies.
  11. I dont believe she said anything about expressing an opinion equating to telling people that they should think the same.. the word opinion is not even in her post at all..perhaps I have missed a previous thread this is referring to? As for my post.. Im certainly not trying to tell anyone how to feel or act. Thats kind of the point of this whole thing.. I dislike seeing people try and speak for everyone else. As I am one of those "everyone else's." Sometimes I agree with said opinion sometimes I dont. But I always dislike someone thinking that everyone else should change because their words or behaviors are not in line with the opinon of them or the mainstream. And I always dislike anyone thinking they can speak for me or what I like.
  12. And hijack away gentlemen!! If i dont want to read it.. i will simply scroll past it! My mouse is an awesome thing its got a wheel and everything!! Gasp* Did that count as lighthearted banter?? Do I get some cake icing now??
  13. I feel my interest waning.. this is about where i get bored and bow out.. when arguments are spewed that make no sense or contradict previous arguments.. I have quoted you and posted examples of why I formed my original post already.. please read back if you need a refresher. I believe you are quite well spoken and I know that I am intelligent enough to read plain english so I dont believe that I have misconstrued anything that you have said. I just flat out disagree and dont like your approach. I also dont believe that ever asked you to shut up.. I promise that I am quite straight forward and my own words will not be misconstrued..shut up will read exactly like that.. shut up.. But as I have said, you are entitled to your opinion and I would never ask you to do so. As for usual names.. I do believe the very first line in my post stated this was my very first thread.. I have been around on forums and in world for around 2 years now.. I am curious to know what exactly you are suspicious about? Im quite confused at that.
  14. aaand just because I have just read another post you made in another thread which illustrate my point... Your words "Clearly anybody using the forums as a source to help decide which to chose will not get a good impression of 3dx Chat." This is your opinion.. because you dont like it.. someone who likes to argue n such would jump in feet first. "it makes Gizmo's product look bad and doesn't reflect well on Gizmo himself." To who?? And how do you know it doesnt reflect exactly what he wanted? Have you personally had a conversation about this with him? Is that how you have your "authority" to again speak for the masses?
  15. I have sat here.. read over your reply a couple times.. tryin to form my reply.. do I answer this honestly and show my distaste? Do I answer tactfully as to try and avoid another forum argument? Do I simply not reply at all? As I am feelin rather argumentative at the moment and I did open this thread.. I will go with the honestly option. I do warn you though, that I have no stamina in this kind of thing.. and don't really care to try and change your mind..so i will most likely bow out at some point. Nooo, I never.....except...words from the same sentence in your post.. they are contradictory. Is it never? Or is it sometimes? how much is sometimes?? And when does it become regularly? Is there a certain number of times that still qualifies as never? where I have the authority to do so.. What and who gave you authority? How do you decide when you have that "authority" to speak for everyone? If your a Doctor..does that give you the authority to speak for all? I find doctors have differing opinions on most things... If your a cop does that give you the authority to speak on law, everywhere for everything?? No here in the States laws differ state to state and while they shouldnt, have some degree of interpretation involved. If your a priest does that give you the authority to speak for all god believing people? And why should I be expected to post a silly lighthearted post? Is that something you have authority on?? What if Im not a silly lighthearted person? What if I dont enjoy that kind of thing?
  16. Cynical? Intrigued?? Are you asking if there is some nefarious reason for my deciding to post now?? No reason to be cynical..although Im happy that you are intrigued.. yes your post had a lot to do with my decision to post now.. as stated above. So I have popped along and had a bit of a giggle at some of the replies. The giggle didnt change my opinion that you were purporting to speak for all women..nor did your defense change the tone of the post or the topic..It doesnt say.. the silly things people do..but, the things men do wrong..Who you to tell anyone what they are doing wrong??? Or even that its wrong to begin with?? You have the right to your opinion.. That is why I posted in my own thread instead of yours..
  17. I am xxCALxx in game now..in case anyone that cares missed it..

  18. I have never opened my own thread before...woooo.. this is damn exciting!! LOL yaaay me! So I love to read the forums.. I love to read WC, when I'm not running my own mouth a mile a minute. I have noticed a few things..things that rub me wrong. ME..not all women..not all players..just ME. Forum posts seems to turn the way of gender arguments and many times right into bashing.. they also focus on "trolls" a lot, which then turns into people telling others what they should or should not do. How they should or should not play.. A little about me first.. simply so there is an idea of the person who is writing this and where my opinions may have been formed.. I was born with a vagina ( this to help stay away from any discussion of what a woman really is)..I'm married in RL.. I am in a long term relationship online.. I have children.. I work on my own cars.. i fight better than most men I know..I have been a single mom..have put myself through college..had a successful career..and am now a housewife...I make sandwiches and cook and iron and wait on my boys hand and foot...and I do all of it by choice. No other man or woman or glass ceiling has forced me or stopped me from living the way I choose. I love that in my old age I have learned to be just what i want to be and to do just what i want to do. My life is not predetermined by what other women or men deem is what ALL women want or need or feel. I am neither a feminist nor am I subservient to others..I am not a troll but I do love a good argument from time to time.. I am a mix of many things..all formed by my own experiences and life. I have likes and dislikes and expect no one else to feel the same. No other person has experienced the world in the same way as I..therefore not one other person can speak for me. So to the real point.. of course I have expectations of the people who choose to interact with me. If it turns out that our expectations don't match up.. I move on. What i don't understand is people trying to tell others that because their expectations don't match up, that person is playing "wrong". Or even worse.. women telling men (or vice versa) what all women or men want or expect. Or telling people here in the forums or WC that their "trolling" or arguments ruin the game for other people. Examples: The post talking about what men do wrong.. (to cover my ass.. it said nothing like "to me" it was a generalization and not specific to how the poster and people who reply want to be or dislike being approached..but as..I am woman and I speak for all when I say you are doing this wrong) All the post about how Trolling and arguments both in forums and WC ruin the game for "everyone else" There isnt a single one of us that can speak for our entire Country..Gender..or whatever the hell else. I assure you that no other woman speaks for me just because we have a vagina in common. How do you know there arent woman who love to be approached in just the way that you disparaged. Or who like silent pose hopping. Those people trolling and arguing must find enjoyment in it or they would not do it. So this would not ruin a darn thing for them or others who also enjoy that kind of thing. I dont enjoy participating, so I dont. I do however enjoy the entertainment of it from time to time.. If i dont want to see it at the moment.. I simply stop watching. That is something we are all capable of.. unless of course your enjoyment comes simply from arguing with the ppl you are accusing of ruining the game with their trolling and such.. (whoooo that sentence made my head spin a little). More power to ya if that is the case.. I would never presume to tell someone how to enjoy something they paid for with their own money.. own it! My point is this i guess.. all this public troll hater..man hater..trans hater blaaaah blaaaah shit is stupid and way beyond lame.. you dont speak for me, what I like, or what I've experienced because you are a woman.. you dont speak for me or anyone else because you don't enjoy the trolling.. you dont speak for me or anyone else because you support or even hate TG's or guys playing as women or any other damn thing. Everyone has an opinion..they are not all going to line up..that doesn't mean that either opinion is wrong or right..express your opinions! Argue, fight, fuck, cold, talk shit, whine..you paid to be here.. do what tickles your pickle!! Do not tell me what or how I should enjoy what I also paid for though.. and don't think you speak for anyone but your damn selves..
  19. Merry Christmas!! Wishing everyone lots of boobie rubs!

  20. I always vote the same! MORE naughty pics please!!! Im a perv.. in a fuck site.. what can I say..
  21. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who came and partied with us.. It was a great night.. and TY to Mikey you rocked darlin!!!
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