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  1. In Oct 26, 2024 I was a model for the first time. It was an experience I won't forget but for both good and bad reasons. If you only want to read good things, I suggest you stop reading. I did meet some nice people and for that I am glad I did it. I did it because the co-owner Tito asked me to be in the show when he saw me at SIN. Unfortunately even though I attended all the practises, they actually didn't teach us what they want to see. They only had us walk around the catwalk. We were going to be judged and many of the models did this show everytime it goes on. For me, I needed advice on what they were looking for. That said, I don't want to harp on Moonlight. If you want to get free so-called exclusive places for participating, it can be good for you. I found however one of the "exclusive" places on sale at the decorator's website. My goal here is not to talk about Moonlight. It is to talk about the Insomnia organization. That is the organization that does the video for the show. SusanneAAA, I think she has a different form of the name on 3dxchat, that is her name on Discord, is totally unprofessional as is SazBabe who works with her. It is a shock to see how unprofessional they both are. The models were told we could have a video done after the event, with pictures we were told to submit to them of us in other poses and outfits. We were also given questions to answer that would have an AI read out and also parts of the actual event put in the private video. I made the mistake of working on the pics quickly. These were PRIVATE pics for our PRIVATE video. Instead SusanneAAA posted some of mine on her Insomnia channel without my permission. I asked her to remove them and some even commented they wouldn't want theirs posted and neither did I. It took asking someone else to tell her to remove them that finally got her to take them off. She ignored my requests. What I did not know or expect was the revenge Susanne would take out on me in making the public video of the event. She did a terrible job in my section and I pointed out the difference between how mine was done compared to others and she FINALLY changed it but only slightly. However she didn't put up the change on the public video everyone saw which was the point of changing it. She also refused to make more changes so in actuality did nothing about not doing the best job she could. The fact she was able to improve it shows that. The fact she refused to post the improvement was part of her revenge. She wanted to get back at me about having to remove MY pics on HER channel without my permission. What type of professional does that? She blocked me when I wrote to ask her about my private video which I hadn't received in over 2 months of waiting for it. Again the AI and parts of the show was supposed to be her part of my private video and wasn't done. SazBabe was supposed to do the other part and hadn't either. Now on to SazBabe who I thought was nice. We met up once about my poses in 3dxchat and I liked her. However, Dec 9 she wrote she would have my video to me by the end of the week and did not. She then ignored my messages for weeks. Yesterday I saw I was blocked. I wrote a few people and suddenly I was unblocked. Great I thought. She said she will do it but what she said she would do was only putting the pics I sent, which she agreed to all the pics I had sent Oct, but that the rest was SusanneAAA. That was when I saw SusanneAAA blocked me and I asked SazBabe to contact her. She didn't say she would or wouldn't but today I got SazBabe's video and it was missing half the pics I sent her that she agreed to. Instead of apologizing, I directed her to when I sent her that list on Discord and that she AGREED to, and instead she said I am blocking you now. So after waiting and writing and doing ALL I was supposed to do, I have no video that has all it was supposed to. I have a poorly made one from SazBabe with half the pics, no AI so I did all that for nothing and the video from the show showing me in a bad light. Insomnia is a really unprofessional organization and SusanneAAA and SazBabe very unprofessional people. DON'T offer things you don't mean to keep to. Perhaps other models have had a good experience since they would not have had SusanneAAA pull the stunt she did on me. Mine was the only pics she put up. After others wrote they wouldn't want theirs up, my guess is she realized she better not. If this is in the wrong area of the forum I apologize as i have never felt the need to put up anything negative before but this took up a lot of my time and effort and I have little to show for it. I am disappointed by how i was treated. Moonlight has refused to help even though these people were hired by them. To those who were nice that I met there, I thank them for their kindness. One judge, I won't mention the name in case they wouldn't want it said, was especially wonderful to me after the event when I wanted feedback. Blankita the co-owner of Moonlight, I asked about my scores and she ignored my request. Now it no longer matters since I would NEVER (a word I rarely use) do their show again.
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