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Found 5 results

  1. (Animations) Would love to see walking animations or different movement styles to add to the game, especially an all fours movement which can add to the RP. _Walking Animations_ 1) Casual 2) Joyful 3) Firm 4) All fours _Sexy Animations_ Would love to see more kinky animations as well, like cuffs or rope bondage. Of course, people may cringe at this, but people can easily cancel or leave the animation or refuse if they do not like that kind of thing. It just adds more spice to the game, in my opinion, and no, these kinds of things don't always mean the R-word people who think anything to do with any restriction means that word have very narrow minds and lack maturity. Just because someone doesn't like coffee doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to drink it _Body Features_ Adding in beards for males and extra sliders for males and females with weight for stomachs or overall weight is something I think is essential on a social aspect to allow players to express themselves more through their own Avi? + more hairs and tattoos would be nice too
  2. Hey Community ! This is the first time I post something in this forum. I have a passion for images and every photo is a terrain of love and passion to explore. For each issue, we (the community if possible) will choose a theme that allows us to explore a captivating dimension of sexuality but since it's the first time I decided to go YOLO with this one. I'm looking forward to seeing your comments about this.
  3. No 3dx for a few days now.. Leaving me so very ready for an eager little fucktoy craving huge futa cock tonight.
  4. Greetings, 3dx-ians! Thought I'd stop in and make my inaugural post on the forums, having only been playing for about 9 months now! Have had amazing, sexy, wonderful times here; and it's time I give something back to the community! THUS: I'm here to invite you to ~~DECADENT DEVOTIONS LOUNGE~~ A little bit classy, a little bit kinky; and always naughty! My aim is to open and maintain a space for folks looking for something a little different - relaxed, fun and flirty. A place for role-players, and others who love kinky detail, and appreciate some extra effort in their interactions. No colds or tomfoolery; actively enforced by the host. Some pictures of a few of the locations in the interior; including some from our first little crowd! I'm planning an official opening on the 19th January around 7pm (US-Pacific); but will need some help with preparations! Dancers for the smattering of poles around the club, bartenders, greeters, maids... You name it: if it's a little bit naughty and a lot of fun; I'd love to have you there in an official capacity! MOST important! I'm seeking a couple of DJs; both for that evening; and to create mixes/streams for me to play at other hours the club is open. If any of these positions or roles appeals to you (or you think of something I haven't!); drop into the club and chat to me; or leave me a message if I've been forced to go afk. Testimonials: Sakie: "Le Corbusier Art Deco Gold Award for best nightclub/red room. Originality 20/20, style 20/20, effort 20/20, egress 20/20, funky 20/20. Extremely professional job; you're a natural, keep up the good work!" SallySilly: "I think I have myself a new fav place xD" AbbieBlue: *pants excitedly* "Master, this place is wonderful! I feel like a naughty, happy little pet, here - and you can quote me as saying anything you wish about your club!" RandomDudeAtColdFuckSlutsRoom: "I was just at that Decadent Devotions place. They were all talking and RPing. It was shit." YourFavourite90sAnd00sRadioHost: "That Eirick dude plays allll my favourites; but he REALLY needs a DJ!"
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