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Posts posted by keycode

  1. when activated  (oculus dk1) my characters they have no head (is literaly missing) is this to give a crazy POV to us? I would like that it works the same as in normal (2d) mode. Plus... I can't find option to get a free point of view during a scene pose. The tragic is that if I activate the dance pose i see the splendid "actor" without head... really shit situation. I f the team don't resolve this .. should we forget VR? the funny is that in the room for changing options for body, clothes etc. all works like a charm, the character is with head and and the motion is perfect. The graphic is wonderfull, but the game is ruined, at least in VR.


    thanks if you can give a solution. My system is ok, windows 10, pro64, oculus full kit dk1, nvidia 1070, intel i7 7700 etc. and I can play without problems all my other games in VR. Just this.. the last one, 3dx with so beautiful content but no VR support. Ok is a beta. But please do what you can.

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