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[RP] The hotel / The city : Introduction and rules

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Link to lore (what your character can know as a newcomer, or only listening at rumors)

Link to RP events (the events that will occur weekly, mostly on friday or saturday night)

Link to faction rules


Link to the red lotus - restaurant - menu




Hi good folks of 3dx :)


As you may know, i'm running a place called : "[RP] The hotel / The city". It's primary goal is to become a roleplay platform that would let most people here which love roleplay, playing the role they want without having it mixed with RL interactions. This place is Roleplay Only. It means that each interaction and talk here should be roleplay.

It can lead to one question : what is roleplay ? Actually it's pretty simple, it's like acting. You create a character, you imagine a story behind it, maybe a job, some goals, some issues and you play them with other player. Your character story, goals and issues will evolve with others players characters. You will make friends, ennemys and so on...

A few examples :

- You can play a photographer who is looking for new models. You will probably try to persuade any hot people you met to pose for you.

- You can play a cop, either a good one which is doing is best to keep the place secure, or a corrupted one who will try to rip off money from honest people around her.

- You can play a celebrity going around with her bodygyard, trying to stay discreet.

- You can play an hitman, preparing some murder, trying to persuade or even seduce his/her way to the victim.

- You can play a vampire who will stay away from the sunbed, and will probably try to attract people to drink their blood.

Well, you can play whatever you imagine and want to play. (However any really powerfull character need to be approved first).


Today the map contains a few area.

The first one, the hotel, is managed by a few players. If you want to join them you only have to request it in a roleplaying way (coming in the Hotel and asking for a job).

The stripclub is managed by Sybil / Sumner, and the police station by PaulineBernardo / BettyPlus. You can use theses places promptly but you should ask to them before getting a somehow permanent role in theses places.

All others places are free to use as you wish.

If you would like to have your own place or have ideas/suggestions feel free to contact me about it.


There is a casino in the hotel. The game may not have a lot of gameplay, but on roleplay demand we can make a few players play blackjack or texas holdem with some card deck app (one of the hotel staff player will take care of dealing card and will tell the players around the table what cards they get).


General rules


- This place is roleplay only. Whatever happen here is purely roleplay. (For example, if you ask for a job and the player tell you that you will get pay, it's obvious that you won't get real money).


- Evade as much as possible HRP talk on the local channel. Every HRP talk should be surrounded by ( ) . Use private messages for HRP when possible.


- Don't talk to people who are far away from yours. How could they hear you if there is two wall and fifty meters between you ?

A few exceptions :

* You can talk on the phone and then tell that you are calling or sending a text.

* You can scream even if you are not sure you will be heard. As you would do in real life.


- Your roleplay is your roleplay. It means you should never force some RP to impose it to others, at least without the other player consent.

An example :

* "/me kiss you and clearly see that you like that" <- the other player is the only one deciding if he likes that or not, it's his own RP


- You should always ask to the other player if he agree before starting a violent / humiliating / blackmailing or other forced RP. If the player decline or feel uncomfortable with it, find a way to evade it immediately.


- That's not because the gameplay doesn't allow something that you should simply ignore it. Use your common sense.

For example :

* A door with an access card can't be opened without the access card. Try to find an RP way to get it. Don't simply goes through it because the game let you do it.

* Your character won't run through fire without getting burned.


- Your character isn't almighty and invulnerable, he might get afraid, lose and won't be successfull in anything i try. You should always consider the role your character is playing.

If he is a former soldier he will probably win in an unarmed fight against a shoes vendor.


- Don't swap roles at will. You should define your character before even starting to interact with other players and then play this role. Of course this role can evolve with RP event, like you could apply to become a cop in RP and start to learn things. But if you are playing a photographer, don't suddenly become a medic because the scene is needing one.


- Fly cam is nice, but it have nothing to do with RP. It's not because you have seen something with the fly cam that your character is aware of it. Also it's not because you, as a player, know something, that your character know it.


Characters rules


- You can play almost anything you want, but for each strength you should have some weakness. Every overpowered character should be approved first.


- There is a dark magic theme running in the storyline of the game. Your character have to learn magic in game.


Character creation rules


Theses rules are for players who want to participate in RP events and put consistency to their character.
Of course you can come to the place without using theses rules, only playing here as an "NPC".

You start at level 1, with 3SP (skills points), 2 HP (hit points), 1 E (energy) and 0 in all the common skills.
Each level you will get 3 more SP.
Levels can be gained through RP events (managed by an admin) or by being trained by another player (during a consistent RP session).
The player who train you must be at least two levels ahead of you, and you can't get more than one level per RL day.
(Example : You are level 1, you need at least a level 3 to help you reach level 2).
You have to display your skills, HP and E in your profile, as your level and who trained you.

You can use skills points to improve your HP or your energy at the cost of 1SP each.
You can also spend SP in the following skills :

- Athletics
Regroup strength, agility and others physical abilities

- Martial Arts
Ability to fight without weapons

- Firearms
Ability to use firearms

- Medic
Ability to heal yourself or others players, knowledge about illness etc.
Give you ability to heal 1HP every RL day for free (+1 use each 3 points in medic). Other uses need energy.

You can bring back unconscious player to consciousness for free. (However as long as they have 0HP they are not able to do any physical action)

- Society
It's the common knowledge related to human rules, example : business, law, trading...

- Engineering
Ability to interact with technology or build things with what surround you

- Magic
Have to be unlocked in RP first, ability to use magic.
You have to chose a specialization first, it had to be validated with the mage that teach you magic in game.
Specialization can be anything you want, as long as it's pretty clear.
For exemple, you can take Fire, Earth or Water, but not "Elemental" as it cover all the other specialization.

You can choose another specialization each 5 points but it have to be obtained during your RP training.

- Presence
Reflect how you appear to other players, it's not related to beauty, more to some attractive (or terrifying or imposant) aura.
This skill can't force other players to do something, but i can be useful during events and others players should at least take account of it in their RP (they can't act like you are an ugly unintersting person, even if they resist or disagree with you).

- Discretion
Ability to hide, pickpocket, lockpicking... Almost everything related with being sneaky.

- Artistic
Knowledge about art, ability to make things artistic

There is two way to use all of this.
If you are not in a PVP or PVE situation, you can just consider your skills as what you are capable of achieving.
For example, you have 3 points in athletics, you can do pull ups pretty easily, or run pretty fast, no need to roll dice.
If you have 2 points in athletics and 2 points in artistic you are a pretty good dancer capable of doing some technical moves and make them appear gracefull.
Theses skills are used in "passive mode", they don't require dice rolling.

Now let's imagine you want to interact with another player in a "PvP way". You are still free, of course, to roleplay it only, without any dice, as long as the other player is ok. But if you have to decide who win a fight or an argument about something (for example two businessmen who try to determine which is the best one) then both of the players should throw a d5 and add their SP to it.
For example, two players are arm wrestling. It use Athletics skills.
Let's say player 1 have 2 points in Athletics, and player 2 have only 1 point.
Player 1 roll a 1, player 2 roll a 3, then player 1 got a score of 3 and player 2 got a score of 4.
Player 2 then win the armwrestling (even if his score is lower).

For dice rolling i recommend you to use rolz.org, you can make a room shared with the concerned players or put the room name : "RP - The hotel" so you will share your dice throwing with others players.

PvE don't work that way but admin should tell you at the start of the event.
For exemple, each NPC ennemy will have a fixed score, like 5. It means that the SP you use to fight + your dice should be over or equal to 5.
If it's not you will lose an HP, or suffer some consequences.
A lock or a password protected computer can also have a score, it means that you need to beat this score with your dice to unlock it.

HP rules
If you fall to 0 HP, your character fall inconscious and won't be able to act as long as he isn't healed.
(You can't die or force another player to die without consent. As well you can't force an RP with heavy consequences on a unconscious player (exemple capture him and prevent him to escape) ).
The only way to get back HP is either to sleep (once a RL day), or to find some medic.

Energy rules
Some capacity use energy, for example, each time a medic heal one hit point, if he already spend his daily use, he lose 1 energy.
Magic use energy too. Each spell in your specialization you use cost 1E, if you use a spell outside of your specialization, it cost 3E.
For example you can specilize in water, and any magical use you make involving water will only cost you 1E.
If you want to use magic to interact with some fire, you will then need 3E.

Some rares magic specializations let you use HP as E, but it should be validated first.
You can also use energy to improve another SP for a dice rolling (limited to 1E per dice rolling).
You should then tell it before rolling your dice.
For example you want to hack a computer, you have 4 point in engineering, and the lock is 10. You shouldn't be able to hack it. But if you choose to use an energy point, it will put your engineering to 5 for this dice roll only, and make it reachable.
Energy is refilled once a RL day too, so be carefull at how you use it.



Damage rules
Each player is dealing 1 damage by default. Each 5 points in a skill, he deal one more damage.
For example, if you have 5 in Martials Arts and you use it to fight, you will deal 2 damages instead of one.

Fight rules
Before combat start :
Each player roll a d10 and add athletics skill.
This score will determine initiative. The higher your score is, the quicker you will play your turn.
Each player determine his damage and his defense.
Damage is attack skill /5 (rounded down)
Defense is attack skill /3 (rounded down) + athletics

For each turn :
When it's the player turn, the player can choose between several options :
- Attack
You roll a dice being 20 + the ennemy defense (if the ennemy defense is 10, then you roll a 30)
To hit the ennemy you need to have result EQUAL OR LOWER than your attack skill.
(If BobTheWizard have a 10 in magic, he will need a result inferior or equal to 10 while running a d30 to hit the ennemy)
If you succeed, the other player / ennemy remove your damage from your HP.
If you roll a 1 it's considered as a critical hit and you deal double damage.

- Defend
You choose between protecting yourself or another player. You then add half of your attack skill to the chosen character.
It only last for this turn and you can't take another action during that time.

- Retreat
You run away and won't be able to take part in the current combat for this scene.

- Take an action
It can be using an item, drinking a potion, using a passive spell, doing something special.
It's limited to one action though.
For example if you are far way from a ladder and want to climb it, you need first to run to the ladder, it's one action.
And then you need to climb it, it's another action.
If you are far away from a character or an ennemy and don't have ranged attack, you will need an action to reach it.

During PVE :
Once all players have taken their actions, they will need to roll a d5 then add their charm score to the result.
The ennemy will then attack the character with the lowest score
He attack like all the character does. He will roll a d(20+character defense) and if his result is inferior or equal to his attack score, player will take damages.

I might do a few OOC training session to show how the system work IG, if you are interested feel free to ask.


Special states

Some magic spells or various actions can add special state to a character.

Applying theses states while using magic follow the same rules as a fight, your magic score have to be greater than the other player score.

(You have to specify it before rolling your dice). If you succeed, the other player will suffer this state but won't take any damage.

PARALYZED : The character can't move, neither attack. Each round during a fight, or each ten minutes RL otherwise, he can try to break free by rolling a d5. He will succeed in case of a score equal to 5.

FROZEN : The character shiver and suffer a penalty of 2 to all his dice roll. Can only be removed with some warm.

POISONED : Each round or each ten minutes RL, the character lose 1HP as long as he have more than 1HP.

DRUNK : The character suffer a penalty of 1 to all this damage, but also take 1 less damage as his body is pretty numb. (Have to be played in RP).

SLOWED : The character can't run while under this effect. Same rule as PARALYZED.

FEAR : The character can only think about one thing : running away from the caster, no matter what. The state last at least 1 hour RL.


Special actions

Rules are here to prevent some character to be overpowered and to help finding some equity in PvP but remember it's a roleplay server.

Some actions are not covered by rules but can still be played.

For example if you cover the floor where someone stand with fuel and throw a lighter on it, he will take damage, even if it isn't covered by rules. It's then up to you to find an agreement with the other player.



Various objects may be obtained through RP event (only during admin event).

Theses objects can add various passive bonus or have a one time only use.

They can't be given or shared without validation first.


Always keep your profile updated.

Remember that it's a roleplaying place, so choose your skills accordingly to your RP.
Here is a few profile example :

A cop profile :
Rufio - Level 2 [last trainer : ZorroXXX]
HP : 3/3  E : 2/2 (<- he spent 2 points here, one on HP and one on Energy)
Martial Arts : 1 (<- his basic cop training in unarmed fight)
Firearms : 1 (<- his basic cop training in firearm)
Society : 2 (<- his knowledge about law)

A stripper profile :
Lune - Level 1 (<- no trainer here, she is level 1)
HP : 2/2  E : 1/1
Athletics : 1 (<- she have a correct physical condition)
Charm : 1 (<- she is more attractive than common women)
Artistic : 1 (<- she know how to move pretty gracefully)

A mage profile :
Gandalf - Level 3 [Last trainer : Dumbledore]
HP : 2/2  E : 7/7 (<- put a lot of SP in Energy to be able to use magic)
Magic [Light] : 3 (<- put 3 SP here, can make white light for 1E as it's his specialization, or other magic for 3E)

An thief specialized in stealing pricey art :
Rofl - Level 2 [Last trainer : RiriFifi]
HP : 2/2  E : 1/1
Athletics : 1
Discretion : 1
Artistic : 1

A politician :
Boris - Level 4 [Last trainer : VladimirPotine]
HP : 2/2  E : 1/1
Charm : 6 (<- he is a really good talker)
Society : 6 (<- he have an amazing knowledge about how society works and have a lot of contact)

If you want to do something specific that isn't covered by the current skills range, feel free to ask.

Feel free to ask in game of here if things are unclear.





Have fun and please remember that all theses rules are here to let all of us enjoy our time with others players. Yeah, it's a game... But go to a poker table and start to throw cards at the face of others players because it's only a game and rules are sooo boring. They will kick you out in no time.


If you don't like theses rules but still want to enjoy the map, feel free to ask the .world for you own usage. I don't mind sharing it.


Props for starting this, but I really want the devs to make an area chat, so we can have natural flowing open world role play, the way its meant to be played. I have 2 maps and working on a 3rd that scream out for this chat feature. I want to run these maps for fellow roleplayers but without the chat option, its just not something I want to do.  :(


Props for starting this, but I really want the devs to make an area chat, so we can have natural flowing open world role play, the way its meant to be played. I have 2 maps and working on a 3rd that scream out for this chat feature. I want to run these maps for fellow roleplayers but without the chat option, its just not something I want to do.  :(

Yes, we definetly need that :)


And dice rolling too ! It's really easy to add and can be awesome for roleplaying purpose...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks a lot for setting up such a detailed RP environment. I realy appreciate your effort! I'm a bit limited in time to spend on 3DX but i realy like to join your "[RP] The hotel / The city"!


I guess now i have to think about a character for your hotel :) Are you missing or looking for some specific male characters in your hotel right now?


Do you have some specific opening times? I life in UTC+1 zimezone...


best regards



Hey thanks a lot for setting up such a detailed RP environment. I realy appreciate your effort! I'm a bit limited in time to spend on 3DX but i realy like to join your "[RP] The hotel / The city"!


I guess now i have to think about a character for your hotel :) Are you missing or looking for some specific male characters in your hotel right now?


Do you have some specific opening times? I life in UTC+1 zimezone...


best regards


First, thank you for your interest.


I'm glad that there is a lot of roleplayers here and even more happy that some enjoy what i'm trying to set :)


For the opening times, the place run almost h24 on a parallel account on a dedicated computer, however my connexion crash sometimes and then i only relaunch it around 7PM (UTC+2)


Some people use the room along the day, but especially at night. I'm not here a lot during the week (around ~2 hours the day at most) but i'm more active on Friday and Saturday night and i will try to make weekly events.


For your character we do need some male character as most are females :P


I don't have specific character in mind, you should look at something you will enjoy play and which will give you some material to play. (Some too much specific character might quickly get boring to play).


There is a lot of place that are pretty empty most of the time like the police station or the "bad guys" place who might need some players.


I also enjoy to play with the world editor, so if you have a specific idea that would need a place that doesn't exist right now, feel free to ask in private message, i might add it.


See you in game ;)


RP events


"End" of the current part of the storyline either on friday to saturday night (3AM UTC) or on saturday to sunday night (3AM UTC). For the involved players feel free to message me if you are not available or if you have preferences.
















You mentioned there is a dark magic theme in the storyline has the storyline been going long? Also how could i catch up on events so far?

I don't know exactly when it started but I've been involved a couple weeks. My guess is maybe a month? As for catching up that depends on what you mean. No one besides the GM has been there for everything so we all don't know the full story. That knowledge is also best gained in character probably. If you want to play someone already involved somehow you'd have to discuss with GottaGo who can figure out what is acceptable for a starting character in terms of that knowledge (because so far no one has been allowed to start with magical skils or anything). All that said, jumping in is easy, the regular players are pretty friendly and if you are legit interested in helping the story, more of that is always good.


LORE (what the common people might know around town)


At the beginning the place was only a beach along a road. A part of it was bought by a young wealthy girl who build an hotel here.

Some rumors were mentioning a strange discovery while workers were digging to built foundations.

Quickly, as the hotel attracted customers and growed, other peoples started to buy parcels around it and to open shops.

The city slowly expanded from here, and now count a few hundred of citizens.


More recently, people started to disappear, mostly young womens. The police never figured why and explained that theses peoples might have simply ran away from the city, looking for a better life elsewhere.


Rumors speak of weird creatures having been seen around, almost like monsters, but the cops seems to think that it's related to alcohol consumption.


Lately, a green drug seems to be spreading in the city and in all others cities around. As it doesn't look that dangerous, people seems to think that it empire defects and is highly addictive.


You mentioned there is a dark magic theme in the storyline has the storyline been going long? Also how could i catch up on events so far?



I don't know exactly when it started but I've been involved a couple weeks. My guess is maybe a month? As for catching up that depends on what you mean. No one besides the GM has been there for everything so we all don't know the full story. That knowledge is also best gained in character probably. If you want to play someone already involved somehow you'd have to discuss with GottaGo who can figure out what is acceptable for a starting character in terms of that knowledge (because so far no one has been allowed to start with magical skils or anything). All that said, jumping in is easy, the regular players are pretty friendly and if you are legit interested in helping the story, more of that is always good.


That exactly that. Right now, you can only discover things in game. However i added a little lore post where i will report well known event and street lore (that way you can have a general idea about what is going on).


I will also launch a first event on this saturday that might get people a little more implicated and let them discover the lore and the background.


Just keep in mind that everything is still in a kinda WIP state :) Things might evolve and let people do a lot more on their own. I'm already thinking about some factions system so people do a lot more, and promote interactions between players.


Sorry but if you think characters coming in are just going to lay down and trash their concept so you can lord godmod power over them, you are mistaken. Many of us are veteran RPers with long-established characters and we won't sacrifice that for the sake of a silly little stat-based 'character sheet' on the bottom of our bios. From what I have seen so far, the good roleplayers don't need or want that, and have no problem interacting as they see fit.


I think part of the issue here is that there may be some disconnect between the type of roleplay we're engaged in. I look at this world and system as more akin to a tabletop RPG such as dungeons and dragons than a totally freeform RP one might find on a forum. GottaGo/Suzie is the game master: She's created a world, a story, and a set of rules and is working very hard on it. To play and interact in that world you need to play by her rules. If you take that idea and frame it in the lens of a totally freeform RP I would agree it's godmodding. However, given that there is a sign at the spawn in on the map asking players to read and observe the rules found in this thread, which largely talk about using the character sheet, it seems like we are much more in a system using a dungeons and dragons-esque system; in which case coming in and freeform RPing while everyone else is following a specific set of rules doesn't really work.


I wasn't there for whatever happened yesterday so I don't know exactly what all went down and I am explaining my thoughts on this more as a general explanation for anyone who might be interested in coming in than as a direct response to that stuff. Anyways, I consider myself to be a decent RPer who has worked in many different styles of the hobby. Given that this is a story-driven experience I think having stats makes sense. I often see people with freeform characters that come into conflict just get into an endless cycle of:


#1: "Haha! My powers beat yours and I defeat you!"

#2: "Nope! You forgot about my magical sword which blocks all attacks!"

#3: "Ah! But you don't remember that I'm blessed with an ability that bypasses any magical sword!"


And it just keeps going until someone gets frustrated and leaves. Of course that is an extreme scenario and might be different with two people who know each other well and have characters with established head canon about what they can and cannot do. However, in my experience with random players with an established character with powers: They don't tend to allow themselves any vulnerabilities or weaknesses, which seems boring to me. The point is, that because player vs. player combat and player vs. NPC combat are both things which occur in this RP it makes sense to have a stat system and those coming in with an established character might have to accept that they are a weakened version of themselves, otherwise the room might not be their cup of tea, which is totally cool.


If, on the other hand, we are just talking about the fact that the admin characters are significantly higher level than most incoming players, that is certainly open to debate, but I find it's best to think of them more as NPCs: Kinda the "quest-giver" figures one might find in a game that are more powerful by design. Yes, GottaGo plays them and she is human (probably). There might be times when she does something in her own interests with that power; I've thought about that myself. At the end of the day though she is basically the GM, one who has set up a fairly impressive world and system given the limitations of the platform she is working on, if the price I pay for that is having one of her characters kick my ass every once in a while I can handle that.


Sorry but if you think characters coming in are just going to lay down and trash their concept so you can lord godmod power over them, you are mistaken. Many of us are veteran RPers with long-established characters and we won't sacrifice that for the sake of a silly little stat-based 'character sheet' on the bottom of our bios. From what I have seen so far, the good roleplayers don't need or want that, and have no problem interacting as they see fit.


I have more than 15 years in roleplaying, i'm DM on various games, and you are the first "veteran" roleplayer i met that use non RP element in his RP (like my "silly little stat based character sheet" that let you instantly know that Suzie was a magic user).


I can understand that some players won't like theses rules. Hey, here is the map : https://mega.nz/#!Hgc1wC6S!38DuZtCHi3OO1nZTQOREG14RLxldRtph22iumAu2ZKs, feel free to host it, and play on it with your own rules. I don't mind. And i won't understand why you will keep going on my map if the rules bother you that much.


It's my place, i have spend weeks building it, i'm building a story with some others players for weeks too, i even bought a second account so players can still use the map while i'm disconnected and i'm sorry if you can't trash it instantly because you decided that what i have done it's not the way you would want it to be and that you can't play your all powerfull character and do what you want.


Now please keep telling all the players who enjoy my place and the rules what bad roleplayers they are and how shitty my work is.


I have putted you on full ignore and it will stay that way, so live your own live, let me live my, and everybody will be happy.


(Ho and please, keep the insulting privates messages on the forum for yourself. The "you are insecure" blablabla, and the "Learn to RP" doesn't show a great maturity.)


I have more than 15 years in roleplaying, i'm DM on various games, and you are the first "veteran" roleplayer i met that use non RP element in his RP (like my "silly little stat based character sheet" that let you instantly know that Suzie was a magic user).


I can understand that some players won't like theses rules. Hey, here is the map : https://mega.nz/#!Hgc1wC6S!38DuZtCHi3OO1nZTQOREG14RLxldRtph22iumAu2ZKs, feel free to host it, and play on it with your own rules. I don't mind. And i won't understand why you will keep going on my map if the rules bother you that much.


It's my place, i have spend weeks building it, i'm building a story with some others players for weeks too, i even bought a second account so players can still use the map while i'm disconnected and i'm sorry if you can't trash it instantly because you decided that what i have done it's not the way you would want it to be and that you can't play your all powerfull character and do what you want.


Now please keep telling all the players who enjoy my place and the rules what bad roleplayers they are and how shitty my work is.


I have putted you on full ignore and it will stay that way, so live your own live, let me live my, and everybody will be happy.


(Ho and please, keep the insulting privates messages on the forum for yourself. The "you are insecure" blablabla, and the "Learn to RP" doesn't show a great maturity.)

Go ahead and ignore me, Suzie, and we'll compare notes on the relative maturity of that tactic lol. And instead of trying to make a social/sex chat-based game into Dungeons & Dragons...how about you just go play frickin D&D! Oh, and btw, most of the OTHER roleplayers I met there are awesome people with great skills! YOU, Suzie, are the one who apparently lacks any actual adaptability and improvisation, since your immediate response to my established Fey character having magical abilities wasn't to roleplay with it, but rather to just instantly resort to OOC and tell me "you can't have any magic". As a few of your own players have agreed, that was pretty damn lame.


I don't really give a flying crap about your little world or whether I get to play as a part of it...I had no intention of getting involved in it. That certainly isn't why I play Chat3DX, for crying out loud! It's a sex game! Not a combat MMO! I would have been perfectly happy just RPing with the others there in our own way, no attributes involved. But that's fine, you just resorted to a coward's way out and blocked me (then immediately disconnected and ran), so at the end of the day, you're the one who looks bad.


I'd rather not reveal when I started pnp (paper and pencil) RPing, because it's embarrassingly ancient. So let's not start on a debate on who is "holier than though" in roleplaying.


This "RP Lite" world seems fun and interesting -- a nice change of pace from the "Hi, wanna fuck?" environment of 3DX. You'll probably see Frida occasionally wandering around the Hotel region, mostly between 11:30pm and 2am US Mountain Time (currently UTC-6, due to daylight savings). Of course, you might also find me clubbing elsewhere in 3DX and being generally wild with a girlfriend, because, well... just because I'm like that.


I have more than 15 years in roleplaying, i'm DM on various games, and you are the first "veteran" roleplayer i met that use non RP element in his RP (like my "silly little stat based character sheet" that let you instantly know that Suzie was a magic user).


I can understand that some players won't like theses rules. Hey, here is the map : https://mega.nz/#!Hgc1wC6S!38DuZtCHi3OO1nZTQOREG14RLxldRtph22iumAu2ZKs, feel free to host it, and play on it with your own rules. I don't mind. And i won't understand why you will keep going on my map if the rules bother you that much.


It's my place, i have spend weeks building it, i'm building a story with some others players for weeks too, i even bought a second account so players can still use the map while i'm disconnected and i'm sorry if you can't trash it instantly because you decided that what i have done it's not the way you would want it to be and that you can't play your all powerfull character and do what you want.


Now please keep telling all the players who enjoy my place and the rules what bad roleplayers they are and how shitty my work is.


I have putted you on full ignore and it will stay that way, so live your own live, let me live my, and everybody will be happy.


(Ho and please, keep the insulting privates messages on the forum for yourself. The "you are insecure" blablabla, and the "Learn to RP" doesn't show a great maturity.)

Oh, and btw, I've been DMing for 40 years, Suzie, so what's your point? I could DM circles around you in my sleep. If you've been DMing for 15 years, and your only recourse to someone challenging your canned narrative is to kick them from your campaign and ignore them, all that proves is you're a terrible game master who can't think outside the box. I've played in games run by people like you, and invariably they fall apart because the players will always do something unexpected, it's inevitable...and you won't be able to cope, so you'll try to railroad them back onto a single path. That's not only horrible DMing, it's also lazy and shows a woeful lack of improvisation skills.


But I digress--no one else at the Hotel (and I've met quite a few of them now) had any problem whatsoever with Awry's magical nature, in fact they loved it, and this character has been around long before I ever discovered Chat3DX. I was not about to change her just because you feel some urgent need to control everyone in your map with an iron fist on some pathetic power trip. 


But you know what? That's ok, because it was just more incentive for me to build my own world and invite roleplayers over for brunch. Brunch or sex parties...whichever they like. ;) No "rules" involved, and they can play their concept as they see fit (and they won't have to hunt 'spiders' in the woods for 'xps'...seriously, get some dice and start a guild in Neverwinter Online, you'll be happier). Toodles.


I don't get why you care so much about what i am doing with MY place.

But well, i don't care.


In general I think the problem with the "go play a real mmo argument" is that they don't really support sexual behavior. I know they have eRP guilds in some games or plugins on WoW for things like that, but I enjoy a visual component.


My options are therefore: play an mmo with very minimal support for sex or play a sex game with minimal support for RPGing. I am just trying the latter for once. I really don't think one way is better or worse than the other, they're just different ways to go about the same thing: The creation of an environment where I can fantasize about going on exciting adventures AND fantasize about my sexuality.


The rules structure is definitely a WIP but I enjoy having them. Personally I just don't feel the same sense of accomplishment having a cool battle with no possibility of my character's demise unless I will it so. Those are my thoughts on the matter.


Not gonna kick the idea or the system. Probably not gonna fit into a serious RP theme myself anyway. So got no right to judge you lul.


But I can maybe add a less, emotionally supported input.


I can somewhat relate to the feeling that being put to lvl 1 while the character you play since.... (5 years of 3dx in my case?) seems kinda outgrown on that.


I think you need a somewhat fleshed out way to deal with that and make it more attractive to the active RP community.


A so called 'grandfathering' system, as other places name it, that somehow allows the creation of an advanced / leveled char with according powers to their experience or skill.


Either based on screenshots, gifts, oldest gift date, xGold, some sort of test-rp or whatever. I'd use something you could measure easily and people won't whine about.


I'd create an application process with a specific form to allow that. More for PM's than public forum.


Advancing levels in form of trainers kinda implies the lvl 1 should be subservient or of lesser power/rank/stand than the higher level.


This basically instantly breaks the spirit of our rather laaaarge bdsm userbase, as an ole' Mistressu surely wouldn't willingly become apprentice to a newbie profile equipped with 5 gifts and a smile.


I'm not gonna push this. Or go deeper into the philosophy on how to determine who is actually worthy of a 'grandfathering'. All in all it's gonna be your room so you should be able to make that decision.


I'm however gonna take the current map you uploaded and gladly steal it for exploration and my own themed play ideas. It's incredibly detailed and full of funny easter eggs.


Congrats on that and good luck finding a working system for the 3dx community :3


PS: If you have updated versions to come I'd be interested. Also can offer you to introduce you to some peeps that might be willing to merge their own creations with you that could fit the theme. Hit me if interested.


~Aki Butt


That might work, it's a constructive idea for sure. I can see a couple issues though. For example I would be annoyed, as someone who started off at level 1, if characters began to appear who were higher level or much more powerful than me who had never been in the room before. This is especially true because we get so many trolls or people who simply do not read or care about the very obviously stated rules.


I have had people walk into rooms that are listed as requiring a key, simply run around to every area of the map; including places they shouldn't even know exist and, perhaps most annoyingly, do things to my character without permission that I am forced to then roll with or simply discard. For example: The guy who ran into the employees only room and took naked pictures of me while I was afk for a minute and then proceeded to tell me I had been asleep "because he had said so in his RP". If someone like that started the game with a way to beat me in a fight I would be hella pissed.


Admittedly though, I am coming from a school of thought where it's new story/game = new character. If you switch from WoW to Lineage you don't get to bring your character with you. If you change from D and D to Vampire it's the same thing (usually). I do know some people who keep the same character but it is such a crap deal for everyone else. I once started as a level 1 human in a game where someone had been allowed to bring in their existing character and it sucked. He was like a level 20 fight/wizard/jedi vampire with a double bladed lightsaber...in a dungeons and dragons game. Then I am immediately in a subservient role to them if I like it or not.


Anyways Im only continuing to talk about this because I think it's an interesting conundrum. On the one hand the more experienced RPers around the better. On the other hand how can we make a system where everyone feels like they've been treated fairly?

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