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784 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want it?

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1 . would rather first fix the old bugs not add new the World Editor has quirks are last updat


2  I'd rather have a clothes editor !



the bugs that were from the beginning is still there...yall should focus on removing them first....adding more would create more problems...peeps are already crashing alot.


I personally voted no, i think a pose editor would create a lot of problems that either wont ever get fixed or will get done in some really bad way.


Just a few issues i can see with it:


1. How to ensure the quality of these user made poses? will the devs review them or we can we just create whatever we want?

2. What if someone made some poses directly aimed to mess with other people?

3. How to ensure that everyone gets access to them? I mean of course could just say the creator of the pose gets to decide who gets it and who doesnt, but i see that becoming an issue when eventually some people have very nice poses and the rest just have the stock ones provided by the game.

4. Related to the last point i made, we have already seen its easy to steal rooms if you really want to, this i imagine, will there be some security set in place to stop things like that then?


Honestly in the end id rather have pose updates from you the devs, could start by making sure every pairing has every pose, and then release some new ones for everyone after that. And clothes, god damn ive been wearing the same things for years now, its time for new stuff, perhaps ask the community in a vote what kind of clothes they want, cause honestly that coat we got i doubt very many actually asked for.


To me the devs really gotta be careful with this stuff, it might end up looking more and more like second life where the quality of things are so varied depending on how much time and money you spend there.


Just my thoughts


I voted "no" too




how are they gonne get shared  in a File ? No , thanks im not wanting to trash my  PC with hundreds of files to have Poses ..


And refering to Tauri´s Post  the quality of them is depending on how much the Editor is gonna be , if we have to make them work by ourselves then theres gonna be a handful of users that would be able to creat "Good" Poses 

i don´t really see me creating One unless its a super simple Editor..


I know i somewhat seem Negative about it but how is it gonna be ? Two componets you gonna add together ? like for example Partner on back on a chair  other Partner standing ? in my eyes I cant really make myself something out of this , I just seen Editors for Poses where you have to make the Animations yourself and if that´s really the Case with this one then Hallelujah we aint gettin much Good Poses .. 


Sorry for ranting , Have a Good Day/Night


I'm voting No on this. 

While I am for more poses in general, I think letting players make said poses would be a monumentally bad idea.

The spread of user-created poses would put a strain on the server, If I partner with someone who has different poses then me, how would the server communicate that?


But above all, quality control.

If we look at the rooms out there now for instance as examples of user-created content, the quality varies wildly.

This would be the same for poses.

I am sure some people would use the Pose Creator to create truly messed up poses, either out of ignorance or just to mess with people.


And that doesn't even touch upon the people that would create poses catering to their particular fetish or kink.

Which might actually be rather upsetting to some - like for example the 'rape' room discussions that keep propping up.

Now picture that about people creating Rape Poses?

And I for one would rather not be subjected to that.


In closing

Yes to more poses.

No to user-created ones.




And to add another thing ..I think Nixx and someone else talked about it is , Fix the annoying  kinda Gamebreaking 'Bug´s before adding a New Troublemaker Creator into the Game 


1 . would rather first fix the old bugs not add new the World Editor has quirks are last updat


2  I'd rather have a clothes editor !



the bugs that were from the beginning is still there...yall should focus on removing them first....adding more would create more problems...peeps are already crashing alot.


Do you want it? :)

That's an impossible question to answer Gizmo, because only a few users will probably have the knowledge to understand what that editor does and how it should be used.

Wouldn't it be easier to invite those users to help you with development for the benefit of all of us ? It would probably reduce forum discussions and useless votes...

Kiss, Layla


Yes for adding poses

No for editing them

But maybe you should explain more how that will go "pose editing vote seems like voting for something we don't see or understand correctly how will it works


Well it might be this way



And believe me building a complex house is just for kids compare to this.

Now I agree about what have seen said about the "bugs".

The crash in crowded rooms especially in public rooms when your whole is overwhelmed (cpu, gpu and memory). Fix this before please.


Well, this is a big step in game evolution, but I hope that the quality of the game does not suffer.

Possibly. a general voting system for self-developed poses can be introduced.

The poses that fail should not be made available to the general public,

Maybe only in private groups, where gamers can exchange those pose, that are generally not liked.


I support the introduction of a Pose Editor to 100% and I look forward to the new possibilities.


I also vote 'no'


Why? Pretty simple. The only way this would work is by YOU the devs check and controle the quality of every pose someone submits before addding them to the game.

Not that that many people here can realy create poses. No offense folks. I know i couldn't.

That would be the only real fair way from my perspective.

Or make a subsection here on the forum and let the people vote for the poses, with a 3d demo displaying said poses in action.


I have the worry that this only would be handled lazily and a lot of poses would be waved through to speed up things.


/sarcasm You are not known for listening or talking with YOUR community activly. /sarcasm off


So i say no. Don't be so lazy and do your job! You are payed for it! You haven't added poses in like FOREVER!


I voted yes with a big BUT:


first, without having actual knowledge of game development or coding, I assume that a pose editor is much more complicated than a room editor. Both in developing as in later usage. No offense meant and speaking as the pessimist I am, regarding the time the room editor needed, I would say this project should be quite challenging, unless you can outsource it or change the development routine. Maybe an outfit editor would be a promising step before going for such an ambitious project.


second, there are some basics that should be adressed when creating a pose editor:

Many people fear that 3dx would be flooded with shitty made poses if such an editor is available. There have been already posts suggesting a vote system or a committee that hand picks good poses. Don't do that! This would be madness regarding the needed manpower to administrate all that. And there is a much more simple way: Custom poses should be made as placeable pose object for the room editor only. So people can put the poses they want in their room, without flooding the world of 3dx with them. The system of exchanging rooms or room items is already established and works.


Thanks for reading, cheers.


idk. Are these static poses, or poses with kinetic variables? Can we have the option to *not* have to download someone's poses? Are the poses going to be limited by real-world biomechanics?


For information: 3DChathouse and Sexvilla have the same owners and they never allowed to import poses from sexvilla because of the problem: accept or decline and because some poses were messy too. What I really miss from there is the avatar editor.


I think that it would be a great addition to the game, although really I would rather if you just let us import our own poses and models and things like that instead of a built in editor. I am also not sure why some people seem to think a tiny pose file could lag the server those are way smaller then picture files for example and no one seems to wonder if clicking on someone's profile will lag them its just odd thinking...

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