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Confirmation on critical "IGNORE USER" and "DELETE FRIEND" (prevent click errors)

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Hello !

All in the title ... what else. 

Actually when you hit "Ignore or Delete user" is effective immediately, and inevitably in the event of a handling error we end up waiting an hour to correct the error (on ignore) or having to re-friend the person.

This is a real problem caused by freeze, missclick, dubt ... and  that could be easily corrected.

(No time to do it properly huh @Gizmo ? héhéhé)

How must work (sorry i'm not familliar with Unity and C# thats my first try) :


public class User : UsersItem { // <- something like that i think
  // someshits befores
  /* IgnoreUser(User object)
     called when player push "ignore" button in profile or "ignore" button in UI onUser contextual popup
  public void IgnoreUser(User aUser){ 
    // show a simple confirmation dialog
      String.format("Are you sure to ignore \"{0}\" ?", aUser.name), 
        // call the true "ignore" function
        Users.Manager.criticalAddToBlacklist(this, aUser);
        // call a potential callback
        if(onUserIgnoreUserCallback != null){
  } /* IgnoreUser */
  /* DeleteFriend(User object)
     same thing like "IgnoreUser"
  public void DeleteFriend(User aUser){
    // show confirmation
      String.format("Are you sure to remove \"{0}\" from your friends ?", aUser.name), 
        // call the true friend remover function
        Users.Manager.criticalRemoveFromFriends(this, aUser);
        // potential callback
        if(onUserDeleteFriendCallback != null){
  }/* DeleteFriend */
  // someshits after

With love, eVe 😘 


Sounds like a good way to fix that, you even provided the code itself. I thought that I was the only one being careful around those options.. after having a mishap or two..

8 hours ago, TimTheWatcher said:

Sounds like a good way to fix that, you even provided the code itself. I thought that I was the only one being careful around those options.. after having a mishap or two..

As a developer and UX Designer... this is the kind of thing that can obsess me when I come across it. 🤪

On 1/17/2025 at 3:39 AM, Evehne said:

Hello !

All in the title ... what else. 

Actually when you hit "Ignore or Delete user" is effective immediately, and inevitably in the event of a handling error we end up waiting an hour to correct the error (on ignore) or having to re-friend the person.

This is a real problem caused by freeze, missclick, dubt ... and  that could be easily corrected.

(No time to do it properly huh @Gizmo ? héhéhé)

How must work (sorry i'm not familliar with Unity and C# thats my first try) :


public class User : UsersItem { // <- something like that i think
  // someshits befores
  /* IgnoreUser(User object)
     called when player push "ignore" button in profile or "ignore" button in UI onUser contextual popup
  public void IgnoreUser(User aUser){ 
    // show a simple confirmation dialog
      String.format("Are you sure to ignore \"{0}\" ?", aUser.name), 
        // call the true "ignore" function
        Users.Manager.criticalAddToBlacklist(this, aUser);
        // call a potential callback
        if(onUserIgnoreUserCallback != null){
  } /* IgnoreUser */
  /* DeleteFriend(User object)
     same thing like "IgnoreUser"
  public void DeleteFriend(User aUser){
    // show confirmation
      String.format("Are you sure to remove \"{0}\" from your friends ?", aUser.name), 
        // call the true friend remover function
        Users.Manager.criticalRemoveFromFriends(this, aUser);
        // potential callback
        if(onUserDeleteFriendCallback != null){
  }/* DeleteFriend */
  // someshits after

With love, eVe 😘 

you have to confirm the ignore but not the delete friend

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