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As a 3DX user, I also had - like many people here I think - the leisure to use other online sites called "social sites". There is not a lot of choice if you stay on a line that is not strictly  sex. I named the very famous ''SECOND LIFE'' and of course ''IMVU''.

Second life (we will call it the pioneer) was a fad in its time but the dough of the cake that had risen in the oven of innovation has fallen. It has become today - by the admission of its users - a site without interest, expensive and complicated to implement at the level of its avatars. Like the Eiffel Tower it is nothing more than an attraction and a tourist trap that has become as rusty as the latter.

Regarding IMVU (we'll call it the old lady) it's a social site that was really very nice until 2013. It worked a bit like a comic strip (but much better) you could only move from point to point (no natural walking like in 3DX) and the dialogues rose in the chat like comic strip bubbles. A very friendly site socially speaking, sex was only accessible with a so-called AP pass (adult pass) at the single price of 30 dollars. The so-called sex rooms had to put an AP logo and were only accessible to those who had the pass.
Unfortunately in IMVU everything had to be bought. Your faces, your clothes, your makeup for women, your accessories, and even your skin as well as your rooms (to choose from the hundreds of rooms made by creators) which ended up being very expensive. As for sex, absolutely not realistic, it was closer to a sims than to reality. It took a lot of imagination to convince yourself of the thing that you saw your sex sticking out of your partner's belly. .

Today IMVU has fallen way behind a site like 3DX in terms of graphics and realism and even in terms of servers. We will not talk about 3D effects or tessalation, multiple lights, physical effects. Clearly it is absolutely obsolete compared to a site like 3DX which has entered the current gaming universe where we are at R tracing and 4th generation graphics cards like the GEFORCE RTX 4080 PANTHER. 3DX is at the level of CYBERPUNK concerning visual attractiveness both in public and in private with beautiful lounges (and talented creators).

3DX is without a doubt a very beautiful game. I would say - without bias - that it is currently the best on the net. Now there are always things to improve. I would like our developers to focus on the various communities and allow them to be able to gather with places grouped by NATIONALITIES. German / American / French / English / Italian. For example, it would be attractive by clicking on "German" to have all the German rooms. Then a subcategory would allow them to be classified by rooms called sex or music or romanticism, even futuristic, or theme park. This would help to unclog the public list where all nationalities and all kinds of rooms are mixed in total confusion.

This would avoid the continual match of all kinds of rooms that pay 300 credits to stay at the top of a public list and who find themselves dethroned the next moment by another room that has also just paid 300 credits to be at the top of the list. This is therefore not very useful since we quickly find ourselves - with this system - at the bottom of the ranking.

I will say finally that 3DX is not a game but a social network (we will talk about networking) where social exchanges are very numerous and I would like - as in life - that it expands so as not to be taxed just as a "sex game" but as a complete social site whose advertising will not be focused only on this aspect. Its entry on STEAM to broaden its audience is a good step in this direction. I trust our developers to take this aspect of things into consideration.

Thanks to them and thanks to all of you who keep this site alive.



Edited by JeanBa

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