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Transferring Xgold to others


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I will give you a little example of how complicated it can be to implement even just something to allow people to be tipped in the game. You couldn't have it that it could be any size tip because then it is very much still just allowing any size transfers to be possible. If you put a limit to the amount that could be tipped at say 100 gold without restricting how many times a person could give those tips then people will just do multiple tips. People would even make up bots for it to be done very quickly. 100 x 100 gold tips is 10k, so they would need to code in restrictions on the amount of tips that could be given. They would also have to make sure that coding could not be hacked and have people still be able to do it. 

As I have tried to point out to people, it is not as easy as saying ok we will allow transfers of xgold in the game, far from it.

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12 hours ago, Twiggy said:

It gets ne when someone says they aren't looking to be rude then are, especially when they are accusing someone of being out of touch when in fact they are doing that.

Ok, let's say 3DX adds currency transfer with no restrictions, you can transfer as much as you want to anyone you want. I who yes has not played for quite a while but still has something like 100k xgold can offer my 100k for say half the price that 3DX sells it for, around $50, and when I find a buyer go back in and sell it. Hell I could even sell it on ebay. And that is just me, there are lots could do the same. How much would 3DX lose out on then. Then there are people who have made huge amounts of real money from other games selling the in game currency for real money, do you think they won't do the same in 3DX. So before you go accusing someone of being out of touch, which is an insult and being rude, do a little bit of thinking and get in touch yourself.

Resale would have no impact on the Devs whatsoever. This goes on in the worlds like SL and RLC for over 15 years with real money and has ZERO impact. None whatsoever. There are markets that sel Ray's for Lindens and Lindens for Ray's outside each company. No negative impact on them as the benefits far outweigh anything else.  Those systems use REAL money and the companies make millions per year.

Certainly there would need to be security for the system. That is a given. But I'd worry less as an owner with bots harvesting for something of no value outside their product as opposed to the other worlds were Ray's and Lindens can be cashed out for Real Life currency.

As for harvesting with bots, that would fall under bannable offenses like in the other worlds were harvesting for real money is something they watch carefully.

What would have impact on the Devs is people buying more XGold because they CAN transfer it. The benefit to the Devs would far outweigh anything else.  People already buy Xgold for the gift whores. There really is no sound arguement against XGold transfer as it already occurs indirectly.Your arguement doesn't make sense for three reasons and here is why:

1. It already occurs. Gifts are purchased by people with Xgold and used as currency for years now. 

2. It is already setup to buy XGold for someone directly. This is why I asked if you have been in 3DX as the feature to buy XGokd for someone directly has been added to the profile menu.

3. Subscribers have bought XGold - of no value outside 3DX for YEARS, so for the owners it's only a win win the more real money they get for something of no value.. Transferring between paid subscribers for: boosting rooms, gettting married, buying gifts, trading, auctions fashion shows, gift drops etc. Is nothing.  The more Xgold they sell the better for them. Real money for something of no value outside their product = epic business model win. If anything, the lack of XGold transfer impedes 3DXChats development. As I posted in another thread, many like fashion shows and the thrill of buying, others like auctions. The Slave Auction that occurs weekly gets upwards of 75.  Many women have a Hooker fantasy and can play it out safely in 3DXChat even though they may never even consider it RL. I could go on and on with the benefits XGold transfers would add. And no...no godman limits on transfers. It's my XGold to do with as I please. If I wanna give someone 100,000 XGold because I like the way they DJ It's mine to give.

Aa to your point about the Xgold you have, you have to have a paid subscription to do XGold transfer. So if you have 100,000 XGold as you claim, you would have to purchase a subscription to have access to it again and they just made money off you - again. Geezus think this through.

It really doesn't matter those against XGold transfer. Over 3000 are for it. The ratio in polling is 8:1 on Discord alone and the actual number for it is far higher which means it's a feature the vast majority want. Everyone gets 'paid' just to log in. 

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@THX Builder No impact, are you kidding me.

The way things are now if someone wants to buy 100k xgold the only place they can is from 3DX at just under $90.

If they add no limit xgold transfer I could sell mine for $50 as I said before and pay $10 for a months sub, go in the game and transfer my 100k to the buyer. I make $40 profit, the buyer saves $40 and 3DX loses a $90 sale. Sorry, but I didn't think I would have to explain that in such detail to show how 3DX could lose revenue. I thought that would be obvious.

There are lots of people like me, no longer play but have loads of xgold still in their account. At least hundreds of people but more likely into the thousands. I would imagine there would be quite a few look to make a quick buck and do what I have just said. As for copping a ban, who cares, we no longer play anyway. Plus do you really think 3DX, who has trouble moderating even the simple things could really do anything to stop it. Other than place restrictions on what can be transferred as we have been suggesting.

There are lots of things that have been put to a vote and show that everybody is in favour of having them, doesn't mean they will ever be added as history has shown.

As I said in some of my previous posts, I am not against xgold transfers, I use to try push for it in here. There are plenty of good things it can add to the game. But it is one of those things where there is positives and negatives to adding it. If it was done where 3DX just made it so people could transfer any amount they wanted to whoever they wanted the negatives could outway the positives, especially if 3DX does not also add a buy back system of their own. 

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One thing 3DX could do to have it so they make money from adding xgold transfers is to have it cost to do so, like to give someone 10k it costs 12k. That way it wouldn't matter what went on with people selling it for real money, 3DX still get their cut.

But then you still have the problem that the game is very likely to head in the direction of cashed up people having an advantage over those who can't afford it. And that in the past has been something 3DX has very much been against.

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🇫🇷 Actuellement, 3DXChat se fait essentiellement de l'argent, sur les abonnements des utilisateurs. C'est la principale source de revenus.
Vous avez des utilisateurs qui ont de nombreux comptes.
Un simple exemple : vous avez une personne, qui peut avoir fait un groupe de danses dans la plateforme. Et disons qu'il a 12 danseurs. La personne s'est pris 4 comptes. 4 comptes = 3 alts.
Vous avez des gens, qui n'hésitent pas à payer comme ça.
Leur deuxième source de revenus de la part des clients, ce sont ceux qui achètent des XGold avec leurs cartes de crédits.
C'est tout.
En suite, ils ont un partenariat avec Lovense. C'est une grosse source de revenus. etc.

Pour le moment, il est à considérer que 3DX perd de l'argent.
Vous avez des gens qui font des conceptions pour l'univers de 3DXChat, et qui les vendent directement aux clients et qui touchent, de ce fait, un bénéfice net. Il n'y a pas d'intermédiaire, pas de commission reversée à 3DXChat, or, ce sont des conceptions utilisés DANS et POUR la plateforme, fabriqués avec les outils de la plateforme.

Si, par exemple 3DXChat mettait en place, son propre magasin d'échanges et de ventes de propriétés. Et disait : "à partir de maintenant, toutes les ventes et transactions de propriétés qui sont dans 3DXChat doivent passer par là", les autres plateformes de ventes et échanges, faites par les utilisateurs deviendraient illégales. Les concepteurs auraient la main mise sur tout ce qui sort et entre dans la plateforme. Juste ça.
- les vendeurs devraient verser une commission à 3DX, pour chaque objet et/ou room à mettre en vente.  
(parce que cela demanderait à 3DX d'acheter ou louer de l'espace de stockage en ligne en plus, et ces commissions permettraient de payer cet espace de stockage et d'hébergement).
- les vendeurs, devraient payer une petite commission lors du transfert de chaque objet acheté, également. (là 3DX commence à faire du bénéfice).
Et là on parle d'argent directement, puisque les transaction se font en argent réel.
Ils peuvent le faire. C'est possible. Ils auraient alors une page e-commerce interne à la plateforme. Ils peuvent aussi le faire, avec la possibilité de payer avec la monnaie virtuelle. (Comme RLC, ou Seconde Life)
MAIS il se trouve que depuis le début, la volonté des concepteurs est que ça reste gratuit.
N'oubliez pas que : vous avez beaucoup de personnes qui peuvent dépenser des fortunes, chaque mois, en achetant des rooms, ou font construire des rooms exclusives et que ça peut se vendre très cher.
S'il y avait une place de marché. Si la possibilité de transférer des XGold directement à un joueur était ouverte. Ca ne ferait pas un si grand mal.
C'est quelque chose qui fonctionne sur bien d'autres plateformes depuis plus de 15 ans. Tout dépendrait de la façon dont les concepteurs le font. Bien évidemment.

Enfin, personnellement, je serais plus enclin à acheter des choses avec la monnaie virtuelle, que mon propre argent, en utilisant le système interne de la plateforme pour cumuler des XGolds.
Pourquoi ? Ce n'est pas que je sois radin. Non. Je pourrais dépenser des centaines d'euros par mois, MAIS, je n'oublie pas que c'est virtuel. Ce n'est qu'un univers virtuel. Si demain quelqu'un décide de débrancher la prise, pour une raison ou une autre, tout l'argent investi durant des années serait alors totalement perdu. Et mes achats seraient inutilisables ailleur... Donc ça m'ennuierait moins de perdre des choses achetés uniquement avec des XGolds, que des euros.


🇺🇸 Currently, 3DXChat makes most of its money from user subscriptions. This is the main source of revenue.
You have users who have many accounts.
A simple example: you have a person, who may have made a group of dances in the platform. And let's say he has 12 dancers. The person has taken 4 accounts. 4 accounts = 3 alts.
You have people, who do not hesitate to pay like that.
Their second source of revenue from customers are those who buy XGold with their credit cards.
That's it.
Then they have a partnership with Lovense. That's a big source of revenue. etc.

For the moment, it is to be considered that 3DX is losing money.
You have people who are doing designs for the 3DXChat universe, and they are selling them directly to customers and making a net profit. There is no intermediary, no commission paid to 3DXChat, yet these are designs used IN and FOR the platform, made with the platform's tools.

If, for example, 3DXChat set up its own property exchange and sales store. And said: "From now on, all property sales and transactions that are in 3DXChat must go through it", other user-made sales and exchange platforms would become illegal. The designers would have control over everything that goes in and out of the platform. Just this.
- Sellers would have to pay a commission to 3DX, for each object and/or room to be offered for sale.  
(because that would require 3DX to buy or rent online storage space in addition, and those commissions would pay for that storage and hosting space).
- Sellers would have to pay a small commission when transferring each purchased item, too. (here 3DX starts to make a profit).
And here we are talking about money directly, since the transactions are done in real money.
They can do it. They can do it. They would then have an e-commerce page internal to the platform. They can also do it, with the possibility to pay with virtual currency. (Like RLC, or Second Life)
BUT it happens that since the beginning, the will of the designers is that it remains free.
Don't forget that: you have many people who can spend fortunes, every month, buying rooms, or have exclusive rooms built and that this can sell for a lot of money.
If there was a marketplace. If the possibility to transfer XGold directly to a player was open. It wouldn't hurt so much.
This is something that has worked on many other platforms for over 15 years. It would depend on how the designers do it. Of course it would.

Finally, personally, I would be more inclined to buy things with virtual currency, than my own money, using the platform's internal system to accumulate XGolds.
Why? It's not that I'm cheap. No. I could spend hundreds of euros per month, BUT, I don't forget that it is virtual. It's only a virtual world. If tomorrow someone decides to pull the plug, for one reason or another, all the money I've invested over the years would be totally lost. And my purchases would be useless elsewhere... So it would bother me less to lose things bought only with XGolds, than euros.

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2 hours ago, Twiggy said:

@THX Builder No impact, are you kidding me.

The way things are now if someone wants to buy 100k xgold the only place they can is from 3DX at just under $90.

If they add no limit xgold transfer I could sell mine for $50 as I said before and pay $10 for a months sub, go in the game and transfer my 100k to the buyer. I make $40 profit, the buyer saves $40 and 3DX loses a $90 sale. Sorry, but I didn't think I would have to explain that in such detail to show how 3DX could lose revenue. I thought that would be obvious.

There are lots of people like me, no longer play but have loads of xgold still in their account. At least hundreds of people but more likely into the thousands. I would imagine there would be quite a few look to make a quick buck and do what I have just said. As for copping a ban, who cares, we no longer play anyway. Plus do you really think 3DX, who has trouble moderating even the simple things could really do anything to stop it. Other than place restrictions on what can be transferred as we have been suggesting.

There are lots of things that have been put to a vote and show that everybody is in favour of having them, doesn't mean they will ever be added as history has shown.

As I said in some of my previous posts, I am not against xgold transfers, I use to try push for it in here. There are plenty of good things it can add to the game. But it is one of those things where there is positives and negatives to adding it. If it was done where 3DX just made it so people could transfer any amount they wanted to whoever they wanted the negatives could outway the positives, especially if 3DX does not also add a buy back system of their own. 

🇫🇷 Je pense que là où tu fais la confusion c'est  entre : transfert et vente.
Le fait de transférer de la monnaie virtuelle à un autre utilisateur ne coûterait rien. Un transfert c'est gratuit.
C'est le genre de transactions qui se fait en dehors de la place de marché.

C'est un peu comme quand tu fais un virement en réel à quelqu'un. Tout dépend des banques, si elle te chargent, ou non, des frais.
3DXChat pourrait se réserver le droit d'appliquer une commission qui lui serait reversée ou non. Par exemple pour 100 XGold transféré, ils prennent je sais pas... 2 XGold.. Ca serait vu comme des frais.

Toi tu parles de ventes à un autre joueur, ce qui se ferait sur une place de marché. Jusqu'à présent, (cela existe peut être), je ne l'ai jamais vu, mais si cela se fait en interne, les plateformes, en général s'arrangent pour que les gens ne revendent pas plus cher que le cours de l'action. Tu es bloqué. Cela pour éviter de le faire grimper, ou de le faire chuter.


🇺🇸 I think that where you make the confusion is between: transfer and sale.
Transferring virtual currency to another user would not cost anything. A transfer is free.
That's the kind of transaction that happens outside the marketplace.

It's a bit like making a real money transfer to someone. It depends on the banks, if they charge you a fee or not.
3DXChat could reserve the right to apply a commission that would be paid back or not. For example for 100 XGold transferred, they take I don't know... 2 XGold... That would be seen as a fee.

You are talking about sales to another player, which would be done on a marketplace. So far, (it may exist), I've never seen it, but if it's done internally, the platforms, usually arrange for people not to resell for more than the stock price. You are stuck. This is to avoid making it go up, or to avoid making it go down.

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7 hours ago, Twiggy said:

@THX Builder No impact, are you kidding me.

The way things are now if someone wants to buy 100k xgold the only place they can is from 3DX at just under $90.

If they add no limit xgold transfer I could sell mine for $50 as I said before and pay $10 for a months sub, go in the game and transfer my 100k to the buyer. I make $40 profit, the buyer saves $40 and 3DX loses a $90 sale. Sorry, but I didn't think I would have to explain that in such detail to show how 3DX could lose revenue. I thought that would be obvious.

There are lots of people like me, no longer play but have loads of xgold still in their account. At least hundreds of people but more likely into the thousands. I would imagine there would be quite a few look to make a quick buck and do what I have just said. As for copping a ban, who cares, we no longer play anyway. Plus do you really think 3DX, who has trouble moderating even the simple things could really do anything to stop it. Other than place restrictions on what can be transferred as we have been suggesting.

There are lots of things that have been put to a vote and show that everybody is in favour of having them, doesn't mean they will ever be added as history has shown.

As I said in some of my previous posts, I am not against xgold transfers, I use to try push for it in here. There are plenty of good things it can add to the game. But it is one of those things where there is positives and negatives to adding it. If it was done where 3DX just made it so people could transfer any amount they wanted to whoever they wanted the negatives could outway the positives, especially if 3DX does not also add a buy back system of their own. 

Twiggy, first of all your not going to sell it at full value. Even in the paid worlds resale hovers around 70% value. 

Secondly, you already paid far more to make that 100,000  in subscription fees so you wouldn't make any profit.

Lastly, as I said, resale in paid worlds has never impacted them to stop using those systems. If they were losing money they would have stopped using them. Yes it has ZERO impact in terms of influencing whether to stop using those systems. It is obviously more profitable to have them for the companies. I was in RLC for 7 years. I designed and sold. The subscription was $29. A month. I and hundreds of others NEVER paid that subscription fee to the company. We paid it through our sales. That means the company didn't make $360 a year from subscriptions from hundreds of subscribers and yet they were makinng $10 million a year from subscriptions and purchase of their currency from other subscribers to buy our stuff. RLC even paid real interest on real money like a bank. There was times that rate was better than RL.  Your line of arguement simply doesn't work.

Btw, I watched a guy offer a 1000 XGold prize to the first person to find a hidden room. The 3DX world didn't end.


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@Khallum Troy I don't know why you think I am confused, I know the difference between in game transfers and real money exchange. I said in my last post that 3DX could offer transfers in the game with a fee applied to avoid having to worry about people taking profit away from them by buying and selling xgold. But I most definitely not confused about how it all works.

2 hours ago, THX Builder said:

Twiggy, first of all your not going to sell it at full value. Even in the paid worlds resale hovers around 70% value. 

Secondly, you already paid far more to make that 100,000  in subscription fees so you wouldn't make any profit.

Lastly, as I said, resale in paid worlds has never impacted them to stop using those systems. If they were losing money they would have stopped using them. Yes it has ZERO impact in terms of influencing whether to stop using those systems. It is obviously more profitable to have them for the companies. Your line of arguement simply doesn't work and this is proven.

Btw, I watched a guy offer a 1000 XGold prize to the first person to find a hidden room. The 3DX world didn't end.


Where have I said I would sell it at full value, 3DX charges $90 for 100k, I said I could sell it at $50 for 100k, that is $40 cheaper, not full value.

So what if I already paid for it, it is useless to me now, why wouldn't I sell it. Although I know what you are trying to say it really doesn't apply to people who no longer play and have no use for the xgold they already have. But yes for people to get xgold the way it is now you have to pay 3DX for it in some form, be it buy it at their price or pay your sub and get the 300 each day. But if 3DX makes it so you can transfer xgold with no limitations that will change. If you think no one will take advantage of an opportunity to make real money from the game you are wrong.

* 3DXChat enables xgold transfers with no limitations and no buyback system.

* Within a very short time people that see the opportunity setup to buy and sell xgold. They could do it on ebay, make their own website, a number of different ways they could have it so if someone searched for buy or sell your 3DXChat xgold they would come up in the search. They would offer to buy at a much less price than 3DXChat sells for, lets say $50 per 100k. Then they would sell it at say $75 per 100k, $15 cheaper than 3DXChat sells it for. The word would very quickly get around in the game that you can buy xgold cheaper from these guys than you can from 3DXChat. And the word would also get around very quickly that you can sell your xgold to these guys. If you think there will be no one wanting to sell their xgold for real money you had better think again.

* 3DXChat loses a lot of sales for xgold.





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Khallum pointed out that RLC buys back rays at 70%. So that is how RLC makes their cut from things sold in RLC. People make clothes and sell them for rays, then they take the rays they made from the sale and sell it back to RLC at 70% value. So the seller makes 70% of the sale and RLC makes 30%.

There would be a problem for 3DXChat if they set a buyback price as there is huge amounts of xgold already in the game, people would be cashing it in and would cost 3DXChat a fortune. So for them to offer a buyback system they would have to take away all the xgold already in the game and that would cause a huge uproar.

So it is likely if they were to start a system with xgold transfers they would add a fee on it. That way the amount of xgold in the game reduces every time someone uses the transfer or buys clothes or whatever. Eventually new xgold would need to be bought from 3DXChat at their price to replenish the amount of xgold in the game. The more the game starts using xgold, the more xgold will be needed in the game and the only way it can be added is from 3DXChat, so the devs make money from it that way. The less gold in the game as it gets used as the amount of gold in the game goes down, the harder it gets for the private sellers to do business. So the numbers of them doing business would fade and it would become more an economy like other games where people create and sell things for the game and then sell their xgold to the private buyer/sellers. Eventually 3DXChat would be able to start a buyback system of their own without loads of people looking to cash in.

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4 hours ago, Twiggy said:

Khallum pointed out that RLC buys back rays at 70%. So that is how RLC makes their cut from things sold in RLC. People make clothes and sell them for rays, then they take the rays they made from the sale and sell it back to RLC at 70% value. So the seller makes 70% of the sale and RLC makes 30%.

There would be a problem for 3DXChat if they set a buyback price as there is huge amounts of xgold already in the game, people would be cashing it in and would cost 3DXChat a fortune. So for them to offer a buyback system they would have to take away all the xgold already in the game and that would cause a huge uproar.

So it is likely if they were to start a system with xgold transfers they would add a fee on it. That way the amount of xgold in the game reduces every time someone uses the transfer or buys clothes or whatever. Eventually new xgold would need to be bought from 3DXChat at their price to replenish the amount of xgold in the game. The more the game starts using xgold, the more xgold will be needed in the game and the only way it can be added is from 3DXChat, so the devs make money from it that way. The less gold in the game as it gets used as the amount of gold in the game goes down, the harder it gets for the private sellers to do business. So the numbers of them doing business would fade and it would become more an economy like other games where people create and sell things for the game and then sell their xgold to the private buyer/sellers. Eventually 3DXChat would be able to start a buyback system of their own without loads of people looking to cash in.

We can all play the "what if" game forever. Your inventing problems that have no significant impact. After careful analysis, they could conclude the price point if it needs adjusted. All anyone can do is spend/or transfer it in game anyway. 

You are mostly right about the buy back of Rays. Resale fluctuates over the years with real world markets, and resellers sell below the buyback price. It has worked out for over a decade and RLC has posed profits of about 10 million a year several years back. They also make an insignificant amount per sale. It deals in a real economy. There will always be a finite pool of Xgold for resale. it won't be limitless like it will for the company selling it. Once you sold for example your 100,000 - it is gone. You would need a subscription again and you already paid more to get it under older pricing plans.

3DX doesn't deal in a real economy and therefore, something of value is converted to something of no value outside the companies product. It is valueless. 3DX currently doesn't engage in the buy back of Xgold. so that is another difference  Since 100,000 XGold costs $89.95 + subscription ($9.95) 100$. They made their $100 US irregardless of resale. It would be a small percentage loss easily made up for my other sales. Even at a 30% loss they still made $70 for the sale of NOTHING. I dunno about you, but I'll take a Sure $100 any day.

it's a simple matter of making sure it is more beneficial to collect it than buy it outright - as the paid economy worlds have. Pricing and payouts can change. There is no requirement that says it has to stay as it is.   And who would sell it for equal value? No one. It would have to be discounted and the selling occur outside of 3DX, which, is rife with the possibility of scams like in the paid worlds. and so what? If someone sold what they had left and was done with the game the people buying the xGold would always want more. Demand would outpace supply.


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The feature is in my oppinion just useful for "devorce" to let people help you out with the costs but there i never was married in here i don't even know how much it is.

I heard it's much what i personally don't even understand because i would imagine myself feeling so bad that i can't divorce when i want and have to spend real money into it like in real life. Devorcing should be free and you shouldn't get scamed and feel like a fool when you wanna cut a relationship  "in a game" but that's only my oppinion.

When you wanna make money with feelings, there ends the fun for me.

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3 hours ago, THX Builder said:

We can all play the "what if" game forever. Your inventing problems that have no significant impact. After careful analysis, they could conclude the price point if it needs adjusted. All anyone can do is spend/or transfer it in game anyway. 

You are mostly right about the buy back of Rays. Resale fluctuates over the years with real world markets, and resellers sell below the buyback price. It has worked out for over a decade and RLC has posed profits of about 10 million a year several years back. They also make an insignificant amount per sale. It deals in a real economy. There will always be a finite pool of Xgold for resale. it won't be limitless like it will for the company selling it. Once you sold for example your 100,000 - it is gone. You would need a subscription again and you already paid more to get it under older pricing plans.

3DX doesn't deal in a real economy and therefore, something of value is converted to something of no value outside the companies product. It is valueless. 3DX currently doesn't engage in the buy back of Xgold. so that is another difference  Since 100,000 XGold costs $89.95 + subscription ($9.95) 100$. They made their $100 US irregardless of resale. It would be a small percentage loss easily made up for my other sales. Even at a 30% loss they still made $70 for the sale of NOTHING. I dunno about you, but I'll take a Sure $100 any day.

it's a simple matter of making sure it is more beneficial to collect it than buy it outright - as the paid economy worlds have. Pricing and payouts can change. There is no requirement that says it has to stay as it is.   And who would sell it for equal value? No one. It would have to be discounted and the selling occur outside of 3DX, which, is rife with the possibility of scams like in the paid worlds. and so what? If someone sold what they had left and was done with the game the people buying the xGold would always want more. Demand would outpace supply.


OMG you are still failing to see my points, so I will ask it in question form. If 3DXChat adds xgold transfer in the game without any restrictions.

* What will stop people from selling the xgold they have at a cheaper rate than 3DXChat sells it for?

* What will stop people from buying it from others at say $50 per 100k xgold and then selling it for $70 per 100k xgold? 

If you think all 3DXChat has to do is lower their price then how far would they be prepared to go, if they lower it to $70 per 100k because that is what others are selling it for then the others would just start buying for $40 and selling for $60 and it would keep going down until it is not only not worth the effort for the others but also not worth the effort for 3DXChat.

Yes the buying and selling will be done outside of the game and the delivery of the xgold will be done inside the game, but this kind of market has happened in many other games before successfully. 

You are looking at 3DXChat staying the way it is now, not much use for xgold. But if it is made so real money can made from it the game will change very quickly where xgold will be used for lots of things that the players set up themselves. Players that would look to setup as buyer/sellers would start things off themselves, making it so others follow in what they do to be able to get numbers into their rooms and such, using xgold to do it in things like prises and payment for services. If builders are able to sell their xgold to someone, even at half the price it sells for from 3DX, at least some would start creating rooms and things for rooms and selling them for xgold, then selling the xgold to the buyers, who then sell it to others at a higher price, but still cheaper than 3DX sells it for.

As I have said before if you think people will not start buying and selling xgold for real money if it is made so easy to transfer it, you are dreaming.

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59 minutes ago, Janet said:

The feature is in my oppinion just useful for "devorce" to let people help you out with the costs but there i never was married in here i don't even know how much it is.

I heard it's much what i personally don't even understand because i would imagine myself feeling so bad that i can't divorce when i want and have to spend real money into it like in real life. Devorcing should be free and you shouldn't get scamed and feel like a fool when you wanna cut a relationship  "in a game" but that's only my oppinion.

When you wanna make money with feelings, there ends the fun for me.

I totally agree!
Honestly, the very idea of paying for divorce is nasty and so wrong. I can understand it irl, you pay for administrative work, but in game? It sounds like just a way to drain some xgold, and I understand that 3dxchat is a business and they need to earn but not in such a dirty way... Just imagine if a married couple had a terrible break up, cheating, drama, whatever - they both hate each other - but if they don't have enough xgold they either should stay married anyway or forced to buy xgold. Its very dirty practice, it feels disrespectful towards people's feelings.
I think divorce should be completely free. I am fine if to compensate it devs will make marriage itself cost more, but divorce should not cost any.

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1 hour ago, Xizi said:

I totally agree!
Honestly, the very idea of paying for divorce is nasty and so wrong. I can understand it irl, you pay for administrative work, but in game? It sounds like just a way to drain some xgold, and I understand that 3dxchat is a business and they need to earn but not in such a dirty way... Just imagine if a married couple had a terrible break up, cheating, drama, whatever - they both hate each other - but if they don't have enough xgold they either should stay married anyway or forced to buy xgold. Its very dirty practice, it feels disrespectful towards people's feelings.
I think divorce should be completely free. I am fine if to compensate it devs will make marriage itself cost more, but divorce should not cost any.

I tried out "Achat" years ago maybe some of you know that game and i would go that far to say they are real masters when it comes to "forcing money out of you", because you have to pay for every animation and also for outfit parts.
When you don't have an active subscription you are fucked because you can't use what you have bought already.

Also when i hate the whole concept what made me quit that place (beside the awful graphic of course) they at least can say they don't took money for "divorce".
I mean. c'mon, 3DXChat seems to lead that genre, there is no need beeing like that.

Edit: I forgot to point onto the possibility that you can buy locations in AChat, which are only on paper, so you can waste "tons of money" to get literally nothing, just to appear on a useless property list.

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I've never had need to transfer xgold as ultimately it does very little and has no value.

I think what some of you mean is arbitrage (or a kind of arbitrage) and this happens in Second Life and other virtual worlds.

Here is how it works: For me to buy a virtual currency usually the transaction is done in USD or a few other big currencies - nobody wants Vietnamese currency for example. For me to buy the $$$ my bank charge me an overseas transaction fee (£1.50) and offer a very bad exchange rate and usually a fee with the provider (3dx for example, no idea of the charge but lets say a minimum of £1.00) so for me to buy $10 worth of xgold (google sys 1usD is 0.81gbp right now and I'm going to assume a 10 per cent spread so the cost to me is 0.85) so my fees are £1.00+£1.50+(10*0.85=£8.50) so cost is £11. 

An American does not pay the exchange rate so they buy the virtual currency - or an awful lot of it, they probably also are clever enough to find a method that involves minimul fees and maybe gets them points on their reward scheme or whatever - and they sell it to people via Paypal where the exchange rate and fees may be better. So I get my virtual currency for less and the seller gets a little fee. It's insanely risky

The sellers costs are thus £1.00+£8.10 = £9.10 (based on XR of 0.81 as they don't pay the XR remember)

the reason this works is some virtual currencies (tokens really) are used or almost needed to do stuff inworld. Also  these sellers are selling blocks worth £100 if not more so you can see how they can make a small profit. One suspects the 3dx market for this would be miniscule.

Going back to the original post, I thought you could tip a room owner? So in a way you already can transfer xgold?

(Sorry if my maths are bad and sorry for nerding)

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9 hours ago, Twiggy said:

OMG you are still failing to see my points, so I will ask it in question form. If 3DXChat adds xgold transfer in the game without any restrictions.

* What will stop people from selling the xgold they have at a cheaper rate than 3DXChat sells it for?

* What will stop people from buying it from others at say $50 per 100k xgold and then selling it for $70 per 100k xgold? 

If you think all 3DXChat has to do is lower their price then how far would they be prepared to go, if they lower it to $70 per 100k because that is what others are selling it for then the others would just start buying for $40 and selling for $60 and it would keep going down until it is not only not worth the effort for the others but also not worth the effort for 3DXChat.

Yes the buying and selling will be done outside of the game and the delivery of the xgold will be done inside the game, but this kind of market has happened in many other games before successfully. 

You are looking at 3DXChat staying the way it is now, not much use for xgold. But if it is made so real money can made from it the game will change very quickly where xgold will be used for lots of things that the players set up themselves. Players that would look to setup as buyer/sellers would start things off themselves, making it so others follow in what they do to be able to get numbers into their rooms and such, using xgold to do it in things like prises and payment for services. If builders are able to sell their xgold to someone, even at half the price it sells for from 3DX, at least some would start creating rooms and things for rooms and selling them for xgold, then selling the xgold to the buyers, who then sell it to others at a higher price, but still cheaper than 3DX sells it for.

As I have said before if you think people will not start buying and selling xgold for real money if it is made so easy to transfer it, you are dreaming.


You keep making a Straw Man arguement. 

We know it works in at least two other worlds with real currency. It is logical it will in a  worthless currency. 

We  could all engage in "what if's" all day and night.  However, factually XGold can be bought for someone already directly and is, demand always exceeds supply, and changes can be made at anytime if needed. Ex: Adjust log-in accrual.

Ex: It currently takes 1 year to make 109,200 Xgold. And that requires you to log in everyday. A year subscription costs $45.99. To make it.   100,00 Xgold costs $89.99. Thats a $44.00 difference over a YEAR lol you need to think this through better.

Why your so hung up on if someone sells their Xgold to someone else at a discounted price for $20-30 bucks for a years work is beyond me. It's theirs to do with as they please. And if the owners have an issue with it they can address it. 

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40 minutes ago, THX Builder said:


You keep making a Straw Man arguement. 

We know it works in at least two other worlds with real currency. It is logical it will in a  worthless currency. 

We  could all engage in "what if's" all day and night.  However, factually XGold can be bought for someone already directly and is, demand always exceeds supply, and changes can be made at anytime if needed. Ex: lower log-in accrual when subscription prices are discounted.

Why your so hung up on if someone sells their Xgold to someone else at a discounted price is beyond me. It's theirs to do with as they please. And if the owners have an issue with it they can address it. 

You aren't even making an argument, let alone a straw man argument. I knew you wouldn't answer the 2 questions I put to you because you can't. 

The difference between 3DXChat and the other games you keep talking about is the other games added currency transfer very early in their existence. 3DXChat has had xgold since it started, 10 years of it growing in the game to where there would likely be over 50 million xgold in the game. That creates a real problem for them to add currency transfer now as it then enables what I have been talking about, people can then sell it. It then goes from being worth nothing in real life to being worth real money. If 3DXChat was to set up a buy back system like the others have, then they would find loads of people looking to cash in the xgold they have built up over the years, not all but lots would. So they can't offer a buyback system without taking all the xgold back first which would cause a hell of a backlash. So without them adding a buyback system it leaves it open for others to buy it and sell it.

Yes you can buy it now from 3DXChat for other people in the game, but making it so you can just transfer it is far from the same thing. That opens the door for people to buy from others at a cheap price and sell it at a price cheaper than 3DXChat does. What part of that can't you understand. It is not ifs, it is when. If 3DXChat was to add currency transfer with no limits or fees or restrictions within days you will find people selling it at a cheaper price than 3DXChat sells it for. It's worth will be determined by the sellers and not 3DXChat. 

I will repeat what my argument is, it is not as easy as just saying they will add currency transfer, there is loads to be worked out and accounted for before they can.

You will find they will likely do it with xgold fees applied to each transfer. That way the amount of xgold in the system declines and new xgold will need to be purchased from 3DXChat to bring it back up again. 

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4 hours ago, Twiggy said:

You aren't even making an argument, let alone a straw man argument. I knew you wouldn't answer the 2 questions I put to you because you can't. 

The difference between 3DXChat and the other games you keep talking about is the other games added currency transfer very early in their existence. 3DXChat has had xgold since it started, 10 years of it growing in the game to where there would likely be over 50 million xgold in the game. That creates a real problem for them to add currency transfer now as it then enables what I have been talking about, people can then sell it. It then goes from being worth nothing in real life to being worth real money. If 3DXChat was to set up a buy back system like the others have, then they would find loads of people looking to cash in the xgold they have built up over the years, not all but lots would. So they can't offer a buyback system without taking all the xgold back first which would cause a hell of a backlash. So without them adding a buyback system it leaves it open for others to buy it and sell it.

Yes you can buy it now from 3DXChat for other people in the game, but making it so you can just transfer it is far from the same thing. That opens the door for people to buy from others at a cheap price and sell it at a price cheaper than 3DXChat does. What part of that can't you understand. It is not ifs, it is when. If 3DXChat was to add currency transfer with no limits or fees or restrictions within days you will find people selling it at a cheaper price than 3DXChat sells it for. It's worth will be determined by the sellers and not 3DXChat. 

I will repeat what my argument is, it is not as easy as just saying they will add currency transfer, there is loads to be worked out and accounted for before they can.

You will find they will likely do it with xgold fees applied to each transfer. That way the amount of xgold in the system declines and new xgold will need to be purchased from 3DXChat to bring it back up again. 

It's pointless to keep going around and around with you. If you don''t like it, I can respect that. But your assumptions are mostly erroneous.

It's been done and can be. Simple fact. From what I have been told (dunno how true) it's already built into the system or was and was discontinued for whatever reason. Of course things have to be done to make it work. That's a given. The mechanics of how it is done are all that needs ironed out (if it was already created as claimed.)

And back before the discount, subscriptions were double and accrual value was half what it is now. That means It cost as much in yearly subscription as it is to buy it currently and no profit would be made from that time period. that means even at a 1:1 exchange it is break even at best and no one is going to give you 1:1 exchange. Your argument is invalid for that reason.

*Edit: Almost forgot. 3DX already has a "buy back" mechanism that decreases XGold availability. They are:

Room boosting 



Silly beer buying 

Name Customization 

(That list can be easily expanded if they want.)

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@Twiggy You seem to be stuck on the notion of people buying Xgold and selling it cheaper on the net, if one sells it for half of what they got it for does not seem like a wise business decision.

Where is the profit?

I am glad there has been 1 person in this whole thread that has it exactly right, thx THX Builder for offering the most clarity on this in this thread.

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5 hours ago, Alys said:

After reading all what is in the thread, I think this gold transfer idea, is a bad idea.

pd: grabbing a beer doesn't remove any xgold.


The payment comes from the beer fairy on behalf of you and not your account. 


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11 hours ago, xTHXx said:

It's been done and can be. Simple fact. From what I have been told (dunno how true) it's already built into the system or was and was discontinued for whatever reason. Of course things have to be done to make it work. That's a given. The mechanics of how it is done are all that needs ironed out (if it was already created as claimed.)

And back before the discount, subscriptions were double and accrual value was half what it is now. That means It cost as much in yearly subscription as it is to buy it currently and no profit would be made from that time period. that means even at a 1:1 exchange it is break even at best and no one is going to give you 1:1 exchange. Your argument is invalid for that reason.

*Edit: Almost forgot. 3DX already has a "buy back" mechanism that decreases XGold availability. They are:

Room boosting 



Silly beer buying 

Name Customization 

(That list can be easily expanded if they want.)

Wow, at least now you are starting to agree there would have to be things done to make it work, before you kept insisting all was needed is to allow xgold transfers for any amount and nothing else needed. The rest is just your normal dribble where you still have not answered the 2 questions I put to you. But yes it is useless going on with this because you can't see past the end of your nose.

10 hours ago, SerenityWillow said:

@Twiggy You seem to be stuck on the notion of people buying Xgold and selling it cheaper on the net, if one sells it for half of what they got it for does not seem like a wise business decision.

Where is the profit?

I am glad there has been 1 person in this whole thread that has it exactly right, thx THX Builder for offering the most clarity on this in this thread.

You need to read what has been said and understand what can happen before making such a comment. If you think I am saying people will buy it from 3DXChat and then sell it cheaper you most definitely have not read much at all.

I will give you one very quick example that I gave earlier.

Hundreds to possibly thousands of people like me no longer play but have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of xgold still in our accounts. Others are still in the game that have the same and put little value on it. If xgold transfer was added in the game and someone offered me say $50 for my 100k I would do a months subscription and sell it to him. It doesn't matter what it cost me to get it in the 1st place, it was worth nothing before and still is if I just leave it there, and I would sell it to him. He would then have 100k he paid $50 for that can still sell cheaper than 3DX sells it for at say $75 and make a profit. Now that may not worry you or THX, but I am sure it would the devs.

Again I will say what started all this and I am having to defend. They can't just add xgold transfers to the game with no limits or restrictions, it is not as simple as that. 

You guys that keep wanting to insist I am so stupid that I would believe that people would buy xgold from 3DXChat and then sell it for a cheaper price are a little insulting. Start looking past the end of your nose and realising what could be done before making such stupid comments.

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