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Mail Box


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Great idea.


I also miss the option to send messages to ppl out of friend list, like in other games like /pm or /w NAME. When I close a chat with someone that is not friend of mine but later I want to send a message my only option is to look for that person everywhere. Boo.

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As MeiLing said, this is already working. When someone sends you a message while you are offline, you see them in your chat.
What functionality is missing here?


the existing offline message is just visible when you newly arrive. as soon as you close that chat or exit, ist off an no more recoverable.
It would be far better to make this disappear only when you delete the message.

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4 hours ago, Paulinus said:


the existing offline message is just visible when you newly arrive. as soon as you close that chat or exit, ist off an no more recoverable.
It would be far better to make this disappear only when you delete the message.

You have discord for this.... and closing is your choice... you can answer too. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

🇫🇷 Ca serait très intéressant, pour contacter les personnes de notre liste de contacts, ou alors des gens qui ne sont pas dedans même. Si par exemple vous voulez demander une info, ou un renseignement à quelqu'un, ou correspondre avec cette personne plus aisément, sans passer par les pm, qui peuvent disparaitre malencontreusement. Les pm différés, sont très pratiques, mais ce n'est pas aussi bien qu'une boite Mail, où l'on aurait moins de restrictions de nombre de caratères et ou, de mots et aussi où on pourrait les sauvegarder un certains temps..


🇺🇸 It would be very interesting, to contact people from our contact list, or people who are not even in it. If for example you want to ask someone for information, or correspond with this person more easily, without going through the pm, which can disappear unfortunatly. The deferred mails, are very practical, but it is not as good as a mailbox, where we would have less restrictions of number of characters and or, of words and also where we could save them a certain time.

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