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  1. Hello dear community member, if you need profile pictures or image videos for your 3dxchat account, you've come to the right place. Just write to me or find me in 3dx. You can find me there as MrTengo. fotor-ai-2025011220536.mp4 fotor-ai-202501141685.mp4 fotor-ai-20250114122519.mp4 fotor-ai-2025011414539.mp4
  2. Hey everyone, In this Thread show all your editings from your Pictures. Best regards, Taylor J
  3. Guest

    A Night on Watch Duty

    So, Plutarch and me were having a good rest (two days off) and a night to keep our room "Ancient Rome Sex" online. In fact, it was my night to keep the room lit, and since our world is so new, it will go off in no time if one of us is not online. And as I was getting into the 3DX dressing room, I noticed him snuggling to me from behind. Oh, oh! My old man has either gotten a viagra, or he is liking what I am dressing to keep Rome alive. Well, long story short, and knowing that a picture is worth a thousand words, we made love both in-game and IRL. The whole set will be on our Discord (it's like a 100 pics), but here are some screenshots. I'll be putting them in pairs, because one shot is his view, and one is mine. Yep. Two laptops next to us, our baby sleeping in the other room, and 3DX making those noises that drive us both so crazy horny. This first pair is how much he loves to keep me holding my hands behind my back. In the beginning I would forget until he started tying my wrists with a pair of socks, and now I remember to keep them behind me and let him drive himself into my throat. Thanks to the Roman gods, he and I both love it real slow at the start until the back of my mouth is coated with my own saliva and his pre-juices. And yes, he sometimes keeps me for 20 minutes on my knees.
  4. In this topic , i will post Song´s ,Pics , Quotes and Gifs that i like
  5. Nastypazo

    Smoke and Girls

    Here is a topic of pictures of womens with smoke no drugs apology here please and no debate about harm or harmless of smoking something
  6. I personally have a thing for tanned and dark skinned people, and I didn't find any recent thead about girls. Let's make one! Here's a few example to get us started Show us some of that brown love
  7. I thought it would be fun to display some Signature Banners for Forum Profiles with instructions how to display them. I'll include the instructions first what to do. Then upload some Banners. Please feel free to use if you like them. ****************************************************** 1. Log into Forum. 2. Go to your Forum Profile by clicking on your name, top right and choosing “My Profile” Option. 3. Then click on “Edit my Profile” in a black box, on the right, towards the top. 4. On the Left is a menu, Click on Signature. This will lead you to your Forum Signature / Banner page. 5. You will see the rules for signatures and a text box for uploading your signature url or http address. Your signature may contain: • Up to 1 images • Images up to 800 x 150 pixels • Up to 2 URLs • Up to 1 lines This is used the same as uploading any pic to forum. See below if unsure. When you are happy “Save Changes” under the text box and your personal signature should show. ******************************************************************************************************************* Useful FREE Downloads. Down Load these 2 free programmes and open a free account with imgur to upload your pics too. Useful FREE Downloads. 1. For taking images - Light Shot Http://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html 2. For storing images and giving them a http address - Imgur https://imgur.com ******************************************************************************************************************* REMEMBER YOUR SIGNATURE HAS TO BE UP TO 800 x 150 pixels Uploading a pic to imgur. 1. Log in to your free imgur account. 2. Click on your name to show drop down menu. Click on Albums 3. Click on “New Album” 4. A box appears. Choose a name, maybe your partners name, the subject etc… Make sure you click on “hidden”. You don’t want the public to see your obscene pics – you could even get kicked off the site. 5. Click on “Add another image” and a box appears. Click on “Browse” and it open a box to your PC. In the Pop up box, look for your pic/signature. Save pics in an area you can find easy such as - “Documents” in your menu and then your “User Name” Specials Folder, then “Fave Internet Pics” folder or “Screen Shots” folder. 6. Choose the pic you want. Click on the pic to populate the box , then on “Open” and it will upload to your imgur album. This uploaded pic in your album will now have a “http…” address. You need the http address to post in forum either in a PM or a Topic. To upload a pic to 3 DXChat forum. 1. Right click on your chosen image from the internet or in your imgur album you wish to post or pm in forum. A drop down menu will appear. Click on “Copy Image Address” or “Copy URL” or similar. OR Control / Ctrl + C. This is to copy the http address of the pic. 2. Open up Forum and the topic or PM (Private Message) you wish to answer or send or your Profile“Signature Box”. Paste it by right clicking and choosing paste from the drop down menu (OR Control / Ctrl + V) in your Forum "Message" or " Reply" box. The URL will appear. 3. Sometimes this will take by itself. 4. If it doesn’t click on the icon “image” box above the text box - 2nd Line where B for bold is and I for italics, 11 across is image icon. This will open a box to paste the http address in. Paste (Ctrl + V ) & Click OK. 5. The image should now show. 6. Click Post to show in the topic. Or Save if its your profile. The Signatures are below :
  8. This is not for the purpose of making fun of anyone, this is for people who capture little glitches with the game. I do encourage that the names of those caught in a glitch are not shown. This guy nearly fucked her head off .
  9. Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this topic and a warm welcome. Who Is Me? - Antonio Valentini “Tony", graphic designer. I do this as a hobby & I have a passion doing it, especially when it's naughty What I have here? - A website I use as a gallery and station for art & naughty desires (with limits). Why I'm doing this? - I like designing, editing, making comics and I like to see people pleased, also to push art, artistes, and designers more forward. How this can be interesting for you? As a designer or artist Get your space for show and be recommended for the field you are in. All your contact info and blogs will be mentioned if you want to. Be a part of the studio if you want to. As a person who like participate and like being a part as a model, author or else.. Participate in a story or photos. Turn your ideas or plots to comics or animation photos (GIF). Be a model, writer, or a staff. As an audience or a curious person Take a look and enjoy as you want. Get connect with other people or designers who have same interest or can be helpful for you. Security & Privacy I'm using a private domain provided by "WIX", so your information will be safe & no personal information required. All photos are protected by copyright, so can't be downloaded except screenshots (Nothing is perfect XD) No real information needed email in some features, but it's optional. If you will participate then your 3DX name only what I need to name the photos in your name. I also offer things like private feedback, complain or suggestion to keep your privacy on top. Features Full website with sections from home through stories & comics ending up with gallery & area to ask photos for yourself & feedback. A blog for latest news, updates, or suggestions or ideas where all people can discuss it. Full gallery to show and get yourself pleased. A section for stories and comics story. A subscribe to be updated always first. Being a member by sign up (optional) Easy way to reach to designers, artists, and those are interested in making or participating. Desktop and mobile friendly, so you can check and watch by the way you like. Thinking in offer the website with another languages in future depends on visitors. Cost Everything is free, there is no cost for anything. All this is just for entertainment purposes. Who I'm looking for? Staff members Designers/artists Models Curious people and audience Is there any rules? Have fun and enjoy. However, keep in mind Be respectful, being behind a screen doesn't give you a right to be a jerk. Don't judge or do any kind of harm to anyone. Conclusion That was kinda a big work and it took some time and effort to do for entertaining and give some pleasure, so encouragement would be appreciated by anything even by a like or reply. Wanna join or contact me or have any question or concerns, feel free to Email me: tonys-studio@hotmail.com. Message me in forums or 3DX my user is the same llTonyll. Chat with me in the website if I'm online Tumblr: tonys-studio.tumblr.com I prefer either Tumblr or 3dx, but it's your choice and I like to give as much option as I can Thank you for your time to read that, Have a lovely day as you, Antonio Valentini. One more thing …! I know you are asking yourself where the fucking website is? XD www.tonys-studio.com Note: I will offer some examples on Tumblr
  10. I'd like to share pictures of amazing rooms I came across ingame. These are my personal favourites. I'm sure there are far more amazing rooms out there. as soon as I come across them, I'll post pictures here. A post will only show pictures of the same room, I won't mix in order to avoid confusion. I'd like to express my respect and admiration to those who are able to build places like these. Due to several reasons I will not share the names of the rooms or the room owners. However, if you're curious just pm me. Maybe I can tell the who and where.
  11. 3DXChat Monthly Snapshot Contest - April 2017 - Sex Welcome to the official 3DXChat snapshot contest, share your pictures with us all and get a chance to win one of the many prizes. This months theme is: Sex How is the winner chosen you might ask, let me clarify: There is a panel of 4 judges that rotate every few months, making sure that things are kept as fair as possible. Those 4 judges send their votes(6 in total, 3 for each category) to me at the end of the month and I count them all up and then we should have a couple of winners. Lets say two pictures get the same amount of votes I will then send the judges the two pictures and ask them to pick their favourite until one comes out on top. If you are still in doubt about how things work, or just have a question about the contest, please do send me a private message, I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Rules:Only post one picture every 24 hoursPhotoshop pictures are allowed, but will be judged against other Photoshop picturesIf you have made ANY edits to the picture, you must clarify which in your postBlack and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments and text, do not count as editedPrizes: First Place - 5,000 XGoldSecond Place - 3,000 XGoldThird Place 1,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI, [shift + X] for Depth of fieldGood luck, have fun sharing your amazing pictures!
  12. 3DXChat Monthly Snapshot Contest - March 2017 - Easter/St. Patrick's Day Welcome to the official 3DXChat snapshot contest, share your pictures with us all and get a chance to win one of the many prizes. This months theme is: Easter/St. Patrick's Day How is the winner chosen you might ask, let me clarify: There is a panel of 4 judges that rotate every few months, making sure that things are kept as fair as possible. Those 4 judges send their votes(6 in total, 3 for each category) to me at the end of the month and I count them all up and then we should have a couple of winners. Lets say two pictures get the same amount of votes I will then send the judges the two pictures and ask them to pick their favourite until one comes out on top. If you are still in doubt about how things work, or just have a question about the contest, please do send me a private message, I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Rules:Only post one picture every 24 hoursPhotoshop pictures are allowed, but will be judged against other Photoshop picturesIf you have made ANY edits to the picture, you must clarify which in your postBlack and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments and text, do not count as editedPrizes: First Place - 5,000 XGoldSecond Place - 3,000 XGoldThird Place 1,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI, [shift + X] for Depth of fieldGood luck, have fun sharing your amazing pictures!
  13. OK...I'm the type of person that sometimes sits in the corner and reads profiles and checks out pictures...now that being said, I've noticed some Male members posting pictures of their "male member" in their gallery, now before we all jump on the what's wrong with that wagon, I want to say that you are free to post what ever you want in your profile, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, I mean plenty of women here post pics of their parts in their galleries too (love looking at those...lol). What I would like to know is the thoughts that crosses the female mind when they see this, does that matter to you? or do you just roll your eyes think "idiot" and move on? And what if the guy says hello and asks you if you like what you see? So please all of you lovely ladies of this community feel free to express your thoughts on that.
  14. 3DXChat Monthly Snapshot Contest - February 2017 - Love Welcome to the official 3DXChat snapshot contest, share your pictures with us all and get a chance to win one of the many prizes. This months theme is: Love How is the winner chosen you might ask, let me clarify: There is a panel of 4 judges that rotate every few months, making sure that things are kept as fair as possible. Those 4 judges send their votes(6 in total, 3 for each category) to me at the end of the month and I count them all up and then we should have a couple of winners. Lets say two pictures get the same amount of votes I will then send the judges the two pictures and ask them to pick their favourite until one comes out on top. If you are still in doubt about how things work, or just have a question about the contest, please do send me a private message, I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Rules:Only post one picture every 24 hoursPhotoshop pictures are allowed, but will be judged against other Photoshop picturesIf you have made ANY edits to the picture, you must clarify which in your postBlack and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments and text, do not count as editedPrizes: First Place - 5,000 XGoldSecond Place - 3,000 XGoldThird Place 1,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI, [shift + X] for Depth of fieldGood luck, have fun sharing your amazing pictures!
  15. I AM sure I may get executed for this question, sorry people. I know I have been on this site now for quite sometime, but I finally got the balls to ask this, all thought, way later then I wanted to,..lol ,and also post for this Question, but I want to re touch up my profile and have two Questions actually. 1. how the hell do I add, fix, and reformat pictures I want from the internet, to add to posts I make, on my or other peoples posts. 2. how the hell do I reformat, pictures from the internet, or ones in general , plus also add video streams, and other interesting stuff to my profile thanks...... Sorry for somewhat looking a bit clueless, just really finally want to make my profile the way I really would like it to look, plus this may help others in my same predicament thanks........xxxx
  16. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - December 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Holidays Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 6 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 3 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments, text etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  17. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - November 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Lingerie/Underwear Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 6 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 3 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments, text etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  18. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - October 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Halloween Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Minor light adjustments, text etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  19. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - July 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Summer Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Light adjustment etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  20. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - May 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Love Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Light adjustment etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  21. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - April 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. Theme for this month is: Spring Other pictures are allowed, just know that you are way more likely to win if you stick to the theme! The winners will be picked by 4 judges that have been selected by me, i have done my best to make sure they are all from different "parts" of the game, they each get 4 votes(3 for the non edited photos and 1 for the photoshop photos) Any questions you might have about the competition, feel free to send them to me in a pm(http://3dxforum.com/...omMemberID=4467), please do not post anything but pictures here, thanks! Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photos (Black and white filter, Cropping, Light adjustment etc...)First Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photos (Anything you can imagine!)First Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  22. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - January 2016 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. New from November and forward! As many have requested that contest is getting split up this month, and as you can see below that means that all photoshopped images have their own prize they can compete for. Basically it means that the non edited photos compete for the old prizes and photshop images for the new which is 10,000 XGold from the devs. Many might wonder what can you actually do to a picture now to be able to compete for the non photoshop prizes. I will list them below but they might change further down the line, depending on the feedback coming from all of you. This is allowed on non Photoshop images Black and white filterLight correctionCropping This is allowed on Photoshop images Everything you can imagine, but it has to be cenetered around something from the game Any questions about this new system? PM me here on the forum (Tauri) and i will answer as best i can. How a winner is picked How it works is... There have been selected 5 judges, which will remain unnamed for now. At the end of the month those 4 judges will vote on which picture they think is the best out of the bunch, whichever picture they come up with will be the winner, they also decide who gets 2nd and 3rd. But remember to keep liking the pictures you like, they still play a role since if there is a tie in votes, the likes will be what decides who wins. Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  23. 3DXChat Snapshot Contest - December 2015 Dear friends, we want to start a monthly 3DXChat Snapshot Contest. Post beautiful snapshots here and get prizes. New from November and forward! As many have requested that contest is getting split up this month, and as you can see below that means that all photoshopped images have their own prize they can compete for. Basically it means that the non edited photos compete for the old prizes and photshop images for the new which is 10,000 XGold from the devs. Many might wonder what can you actually do to a picture now to be able to compete for the non photoshop prizes. I will list them below but they might change further down the line, depending on the feedback coming from all of you. This is allowed on non Photoshop images Black and white filterLight correctionCropping This is allowed on Photoshop images Everything you can imagine, but it has to be cenetered around something from the game Any questions about this new system? PM me here on the forum (Tauri) and i will answer as best i can. How a winner is picked How it works is... There have been selected 5 judges, which will remain unnamed for now. At the end of the month those 4 judges will vote on which picture they think is the best out of the bunch, whichever picture they come up with will be the winner, they also decide who gets 2nd and 3rd. But remember to keep liking the pictures you like, they still play a role since if there is a tie in votes, the likes will be what decides who wins. Rules: Post your snapshots in this topic - only 1 snapshot per post1 snapshot from 1 member per day (you can post 1 snapshot every day)Photoshop is allowedIn your post, mention any edits you might have made to your photo if anyPrizes: Non edited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldSecond Place - 7,000 XGoldThird Place - 5,000 XGoldEdited photosFirst Place - 10,000 XGoldTips: Run the game (and the patcher) as administrator but first add the game (and the patcher) to the exception list of your firewall and antivirus.Use the [Print Screen] key on your keyboard to make a snapshot (it will be saved to the '3DXChat/Screenshots' folder)Use these hotkeys: [shift + Z] to hide GUI; [shift + X] for a Depth of field FX;Good Luck!
  24. Wer schöne Bilder möchte, vielleicht von Partys, als Profilbild oder von anderen Anlässen, sollte sich an Biene wenden. Habe ich auch gemacht und es nicht bereut. Sie sind wundervoll geworden. Beispiele findet ihr unter http://bienchen90.jimdo.com/
  25. Hey all.. Today I found a secret place in the game. I named there "Cosmos" by myself. I just used flycam to move from room #2. No edit on pictures. They are all original snapshot files. Hope you like..
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