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Caylix last won the day on November 13 2013

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About Caylix

  • Birthday 09/16/1992

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  1. The sex content is still missing a few staple positions that it seems like it should have, as well as group poses and revamped facial expressions to match the various speeds of coitus, but I'm in agreement with the rest of you. I'd much rather see a faster pace couple dance akin to one you might see in a club, and some public cuddle poses such as on the ground or standing up ect. ect. I hope they take the time to pause and implement layered clothing, tattoos, more facial hair for the guys and more hairstyles and faces for them both. I'd like the individual customization to be improved upon mostly, at this time. Body piercings and sunglasses we can wear on the top of our heads, please!
  2. I would like to see: -Clothing layers: Be able to wear a coat over that shirt or dress in order to mix/match. -Quicker paced couple dance: Dry grinding club dance, or maybe just a more flirty dance with some space between the two. -Couple's walk: One player could invite the other to hold hands/walk hip to hip and continue to walk around while the other player could sit back and talk/relax.
  3. Stubborn. Perky. Creative. Outgoing. Loving.
  4. Back on the topic at hand, my pet peeves are pretty numerous. If we're talking strictly stuff that frustrates me on 3DX I'd have to say that I find it frustrating when there's often a room full of people with noone talking or seemingly willing to talk. I understand that they're probably not talking for a reason (Afk, pm, private sexting, ect. ect.) but it's a social game and more often then not it's pretty hard to be social with people on the game. On a wider scale, I hate repeating myself. I really.. really hate repeating myself. So when I'm on the phone in bad reception or here lately on 3DX when my messages aren't being sent, it's so very frustrating. Additionally, I hate it when people say they want to tell me something or hint at knowing something and then are like.. "Oh Nevermind." That drives me up a wall. No means no. This applies to repeating myself to some extent but and also on the game, but it's typically hard for me to say no in general, but when I'm forced to say no 3-4 times it's very aggravating. On the game I don't mind the cold messages or invites so much as I do getting them after I've already said no thank you! There're more, but at risk of sounding bitchy I think I'll just leave those here for now! XD
  5. For men it doesn't get any cuter than a pair of boxer briefs with some personality. I'll attach a reference picture below. For me, I tend to value comfort and a little cover over being bare and flashy. Boyshorts, babydolls and teddies are more my speed if we're getting out of the realm of just a t-shirt and panties.
  6. I think it all boils down to the fact that the term relationship is highly subjective to the person using it. A lot of people use it to define friendships with co-workers or acquaintances on the street, while others reserve it almost completely to their significant other. Even if it was meant to strictly describe romance, not everyone is looking for the same thing. While relationships may be sacred in the eyes of one person, it could be scoffed at by another and even if a relationship is valued, there can still be merit in seeking an "open" relationship. Most of the time that I hear the term used it's out of convenience. This is generally used by older couples, where one partner in a marriage loses the desire to engage in sexual activity, and instead of risking the marriage they allow certain trespasses to keep the home warm and loving. This is also used by political figure and wealth to maintain the illusion of a loving family and putting off the disgrace of divorce to their peers or children or whoever. Other times, you have two overly pessimistic lovers who are very aware of the high divorce statistics. They'll look at it like, "If he's going to be unfaithful atleast I know about it." I don't think these people are happy with it, but they're happier than living with the paranoia of stumbling upon an affair. Some religions and ethnic backgrounds ingrain this approach into their people from birth, so it comes natural to them to do so. This may not make it right, but they seem to think it is regardless, and as long as they're happy I see no problem with it. Finally, you have these couples who are seeking to spice their love lives up by sharing their significant other. Funnily enough, while at first it may look like they're lusting for other people besides their significant other, the attraction here is usually about observing their lover in a way they can't otherwise, and sharing a powerful sexual moment with them. This is supposed to strengthen the bonds between one another in some (perhaps twisted) way. Personally, I'm a little apathetic towards all of it. I don't judge what other people do, but I don't think I could put up with it without distancing myself from all members involved within the relationship. I think if I put a claim on a man that I do become extremely territorial and easily suspicious and jealous and I know that I'd probably be extremely nauseated by the prospect of him looking around for not just sex, but for a lover, which to me is worse.
  7. There's not really any celebrities that I can think of that I show a similarity towards, but if I had to pick one. It'd probably be a much less stunning variant of Kristen Bell. I've really only got the smile, hair, and eyebrows but it's not enough for anyone to ever pay me that compliment, "Hey you look like Kristen Bell!" Haha, I can't imagine being confused for someone famous. That'd pretty much blow my mind. Your similarities are all really cute though, and cool thread idea Jena.
  8. So much sexiness, let's sexily have sexy sex until we've been sexing so long we're over sexed.
  9. Congratulations! The game really deserves this award, there's simply nothing like it out there (that I've seen.) Hopefully this will draw the attention of some more people and this whole thing can take off like a rocket! Good job guys!
  10. I'm with Bran in that it's hard to pick just one song to describe a generalized me, as my taste in music is heavily dependent upon my mood. I think this does a decent job though, about wanting the raw bits of life instead of just hearing repeated social jargon through someone you care about's mouth. Also, Loki. If you hit the share video tab on the youtube site below the video, it'll give you a link. It may look like it doesn't have any code attached to it but it works here It'll be a youtu.be link.
  11. This is hilarious.. We need more of these, pronto!
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