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Everything posted by Derai

  1. I did not in fact -ask- who they are. I commented that I didn’t know who the picture depicted but thanked the poster for sharing. Not a single question mark in there. They could be the avatars of the Pope blowing the Queen of England for all I care. For that matter I don’t really care who you are either. Just saying.
  2. I literally don’t care who is in those pictures, or why it got posted in my Diary. Could I respectfully ask that any discussion about said person be taken elsewhere? Thanks in advance.
  3. No, you need separate accounts for both. AFAIK.
  4. You need a way to run two instances of the game client. Either by running each on a different machine (like Desktop and Laptop) Or find a way to run two or more copies of the game from one machine. (It’s possible but I don’t specifically know How) There is nothing illegal about this because you pay for both (or more) accounts. So yeah. It is possible with a bit of work. You might find info by googling ‘how to multi-box a game’ I believe that’s the term for this.
  5. ”My eyes! Oh god my eyes!!! It stings!!”
  6. Would be a cool feature. Could even expand on it. Just give the 'Married' avatars a 'Go to Partner' button, that zones them directly to wherever their other half is. Might make the 10K for Marriage worth something ^^
  7. By the dictionary definition of ‘Game’ you are absolutely right. 3DXchat is a Game. However, while 3DX is a game, the people playing it are not. That is the mistake some make. They think because 3DX is a game, all the people they meet are just ‘part of the game’ We don’t care if Mario falls to his death, it’s just a game. We don’t care he kills a Goomba, it’s just a game. We don’t care about those pixels on a screen, it’s just a game. Until we are those Pixels. If we’re the one getting stomped on. Then it stops being ‘just’ a game. But that’s a mistake too. 3DX IS a game. No argument. But we play the game with other People. And that is what people forget.
  8. There’s also the view that only the Women are there against their will. Not just women, sadly. Abuse knows no gender.
  9. You keep making the same typo. It’s adorable! Joking aside, good points!
  10. That looks fun! Not sure who these folks are, or who you are for that matter. But thanks for sharing!
  11. I see someone either deleted their comments or Got deleted. It reminds me of something that I can imagine people dislike about me. I will do most of my arguing in Public. People in the Dangerous Divas Discord, the United Independent & Friends Discord, and before I left them, the Safe Haven, ModZ Community United, and Wulfpack Discords. Not to mention people on this forum have seen me be vocal and outspoken about things I feel strongly about. I know I’ve started and prolonged Drama and Arguments in public channels. It’s my belief that anything worth talking about, anything that impacts more people then just the ones doing the arguing, Should be done in Public. Out in the Open. In my eyes it keeps those in the argument Honest. If your arguments are fact checked and read by All. It means you’re kept from lying (to much) It also reveals Who you are. And that’s where the appeal is. Often I don’t really care about what the other party believes. That’s their business. I know I can never sway a true believer. But I can pull away the curtains. Shed light on what they’re Really saying. What they Really are like. That, is worth arguing about. Anyhow, just a thought. Thanks for reading.
  12. In a way, you could argue that this thread is a prime example of your original post. Just as you said, a bit wider in scope as merely saying ‘I love you’ when not meaning it. People have a lot to say, and some voices are louder then others. And they don’t always consider How they’re saying it. Just What they’re saying. It truly boils down to a difficulty in basic communication. Which you also mention in your last post there. “Hey bby, nice ass. Wanna fuck?” Those that say this, often don’t see or care how their words are read. They just want instant gratification and results. They are often Selfish, and just focused on how much sex they can get. In that way they’re the same as folks that name their room “BBC Slut Orgy Cold No Chat Grand Opening Futa Sex Etc etc” They don’t care about quality, just numbers and the instant gratification of getting people in their room. The same folks that want to be the Best, the Biggest, the most Alpha or whatever other superlative they can find. It’s far more rewarding to just keep it real. Don’t rush to say you love someone, get to know them better. Don’t be selfish, life’s hard enough on your own. But above all. Don’t be a Douche. /ramble mode off
  13. The sudden revving of a chainsaw somewhere behind you.
  14. -SNIP- Thanks! You’re absolutely right, I’m having a gay old time writing these. Glad ya see it that way.
  15. The crunch of car tires against the pavement after you accidentally kicked the handbrake while cumming...
  16. @DouceAlizee, here's what I don't understand. You're saying @W4RN1NG hacks the game, I'll withhold my thoughts about that, but lets for the sake of argument go with that. You call out someone, in public, to accuse them of hacking a game. And you do so via a Web Forum of said game, which has been proven susceptible to 'hacks' So basically, lets pretend Warning IS leading a group of hackers that has crashed a whole game server and possibly an ISP along with it. And you are basically threatening them? Online..? Do you see the failed logic in that? IF you are right about them, you're basically poking a Bear with a stick. But on the other hand, I myself don't know if the Off Gang is what you claim to be. Because in the end, it doesn't make any darn difference anyhow. To me they're just a dime a dozen group, that has picked a 'hacker' icon set for their logos, and paid some Youtube Motivational Speaker for a video. They have a patreon and so logically they have some money to burn, and thus probably have a Music Streaming suite that's a bit more functional then most commercial ones. Nothing about that is Illegal as far as i'm concerned. 3DX has -always- been unstable, and the communication from the Devs has always been sporadic at -best-. Nothing we do, say, or threaten will change that. So why bother? And why stir up drama by pointing fingers? Just chill, put away your tinfoil hat, and wait till things get better, or the game goes offline for good. We're just along for the ride, a ride we paid for mind you, but still we don't really control anything.
  17. Well yeah, but that has some technical issues. It would mean the server needs to -save- the room name or room itself somehow. And some rooms, actually change their name each time. (Mentioning the DJ's for example) And people might make Typos in the name. All that would need to be looked at. Not saying it can't be done. I'm not so confident the Devs would want to go to that level of effort. Sadly.
  18. So, in a way. You could argue that they changed something to tighten up security? Perhaps? If it's harder for your program to detect things happening in the system from the outside I mean. Or am I understanding things wrong?
  19. Agreed, but there is room for improvement. The concept is good, but just might need some fine tuning. They can't satisfy everyone though.
  20. Welcome and awesome to hear about such a Positive First impression! Truly wholesome to read, thank you so much for sharing! Hope you have many more days like these~ Don't be shy to say Hi if you ever see me around the game ya hear? Safe travels! -Derai Edit to add: If you want to continue sharing your experiences, might be an idea to redo this thread over in the 'User Diary' section. This part tends to be a true free for all topic wise.
  21. Agreed. Or at the very least auto close rooms that are empty. Sometimes there are dozens of 0 rooms still cluttering up the list.
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