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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 9.99 + бананы? в московском зоопарке таких кормят дешевле XDDD
    13 points
  2. Может ,помочь убогому? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    13 points
  3. Можно орать,можно кричать и даже петь.Наши мальчики всё равно не дадут милостыню в 9.99 $
    13 points
  4. Какие-то заокеанские лохи,в каком-то 3DXGenesis толпой нажертвовали всего 4044 сраных бакса? XDDDDD Кисули ,извиняйте ,мелочь не держу ,так что 4050 EURO (=336000 рублей) уж точно найду XDDDD В субботы драйв по плану,уже вискарик с ромом подтянул .НА связи
    13 points
  5. Twister,в непростых условиях стагнации мировой экономики,лично я не встречала дур,отказывающихся от подобных оферт))) .Это несколько больше,чем зарабатывают лохи в 3DXREM и Genesis )))) В виртуале пускай живут те,кто нихера не может в реале))) MWAHHHHSSSS
    13 points
  6. Мальчики,подкиньте ему бананов.Может он с пальмы слез и голодный?
    6 points
  7. Ребята ,прекращайте,мы на работе вообще -то ,уже смеятся не можем
    5 points
  8. С таким чепушилой одним воздухом дышать впадлу
    4 points
  9. Габи,лови лойсик
    1 point
  10. Yaelle

    Dead or nah?

    Some role players are in the game but they play only in private room with friends. It's my case, but I'm sorry, I play only in french.
    1 point
  11. Lexxxxi

    Dead or nah?

    well lately most rooms sucks. some good players no longer playing anymore. you can play as your own RP. Game actually need improvement more customization and non sexual poses and clothes but again all fantasy. but there isn't any update anymore
    1 point
  12. JackPine

    Jackpine's Jaunts

    Hey Diary, been awhile! Wow. What a late summer bleeding into fall it has been. Outside game has seen a lot of time on the water, a change of jobs, seeing and supporting friends making forays into creative challenges in their lives. As for here? Doubly wow!! An unexpected void in my life caused me to hang with a good friend and just that. Hang, chill, listening to good music, share stories and histories of our 3DX journey. Both of us unknowingly searching for the same thing, just on different paths. Close to a month ago those paths crossed in a surprising made for 3DX movie sort of way! I have enjoyed my playboy life, the people I have met, pleasures shared. However, where I have found myself now? It is wonderful. It feels so good, so right. Who knows, but I embrace this moment fully!
    1 point
  13. Tali

    Dead or nah?

    It means both, but more often than not RP is just 'narration'.
    1 point
  14. https://3dxchat-status.com/ This will help you most of the times, not always, but if something major is happening on the servers, you will see it there
    1 point
  15. Рыжик,я тебе язык не придавливал,сама границу обозначила.За себя и подруг. 500 euro+martini? OK XDD . FFFM в приоритете на эти выхи,отработаете в субботу. И мне фиолетово ,что кто-то там имеет другие планы .
    1 point
  16. L'état de flacidité du pénis. Je ne sais plus dans quel topic, @Leeloo l'avait dit une fois. Cela a existé il y a quelques années, puis il y a eut une mise à jour. Je crois que c'était en rapport avec la taille des avatars ou quelque chose comme ça. Ils ont retiré cette option, et les avatars masculins se sont retrouvés avec un priapisme permanent. Surement que ce qu'ils ont retiré était lié. Mais, il est vrai que retrouver cet état de flacidité du pénis, serait le bienvenue, tout comme le choix d'avoir un pénis circoncis ou non, ainsi que des curseurs de pilosité sur le corps, les membres supérieurs, inférieurs ainsi que les parties génitales. La possibilté également d'avoir de meilleurs options de coloration de cheveux, ou de poils afin de mieux simuler l'âge. (option d'avoir les cheveux ou la barbe poivre/sel par exemple à différents degrés) __________________________________ The state of flaccidity of the penis. I don't remember in which topic, @Leeloo had said it once. It existed a few years ago, then there was an update. I think it had to do with the size of the avatars or something. They removed that option, and male avatars ended up with permanent priapism. Probably what they removed was related. But it's true that getting that flaccid penis back would be welcome, as would the choice of having a circumcised or uncircumcised penis, as well as hair sliders on the body, upper limbs, lower limbs, and genitals. The possibility to have better hair coloring options to better simulate age (option to have hair or beard pepper/salt for example in different degrees.)
    1 point
  17. Sorry, but that just isn't true. Sure some guys will. I wouldn't and nor would "ALL the guys". Just like some women select huge breasts, and some don't. But having said that, I'm not bothered whether we have a size option or not. I don't worry about things like that and prefer to focus on how I can please my partner and myself in other ways, like the use of words. The ability to be flaccid is desperately needed though when not in a sex pose requiring an erection.
    1 point
  18. We need earrings I am female and have no piercing or earrings. Also the sliders I seen this done on sims were sliders were made to enhance our curves so we can look different I had to work extra hard to try to get myself to be some what different I would like the ability to customize my avatar better so she has her own identity. Also how about letting people sign up yo create for the game I make things on other games such as sims imvu, second life, and would not mind creating content for this grid it would be nice.
    1 point
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