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How to build efficiently?


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Hey there dear builders!


As a fellow builder I'd like to open this thread to collect some information on building efficiently.

That means, like everyone knows, that rooms will take longer to load and are starting to lag under certain circumstances.

I'd like to collect tips for everyone who plans big projects, in order to still have everyone running the room smoothly and prevent crashes and lags.


I'll start off with things that will cause trouble when building:


• The larger the .world - file, the longer it takes to load and might cause crashes when joining a room.

• .world - files are bloated easily when using many small objects at the same place, together with lights. The light will be rendered for every single object.

• Overusing lightsources will cause lag and increased filesize (needs more testing)

• Overusing animated objects will cause lag and increased filesize (trees, fire, steam, smoke, etc.)

• many people in the same world will cause lag

• poorly attached metal-surfaces will catch light and endlessly reflect it between gaps, creating rendering errors. You will notice those as white flickers on your screen.



This is all I can currently think of. If you have any tips to prevent those points I (and probably many other people) would be really glad!

I know that the Unity engine isn't coded perfectly. Maybe there will be some improvements soon.

My room for example is already laggy for quite a few people. But i don't want to lose any quality there.


Things I've done so far:


• Use Chloe's Tool to remove duplicated objects (Thank you so much Chloe! 4500 Dupes removed, 260 kB less roomsize! <3 )

Reduced resolution

remodeled structures to reduce the number of used objects



However, let's see if someone can help us out!


Yours Llavia! ^-^/

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I think you've covered most of it.

All the different builds I've made has been a learning experience, and overall its a balancing act the more complex and bigger the room becomes.

The two things I've noticed affect performance the most are reflective surfaces and lights, the overall size does affect it as well, but its not a set value, for example I've seen rooms at only 400KB lag so badly, and rooms over 1MB run as smooth as silk, so generally its a combination of all the factors that will determine the efficiency of the room. 

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I think there is something else to think about when you try to build efficiently and good rooms. I have build a couple of different rooms but Im not a super builder. But here is what i have notice in some other locations in the game.


People build good and exelent details in the room, but the room doesnt have any atmosphere Its just a cold room with a lot if details. Its funny too look at for 10 min, but after that its just a boring cold room with some cool stuff in.


My point is that it should be balance between the details and the atmosphere when you build a room. Some things need to be detailed to create a good atmosphere and some things can just be simple. If i have a sailboat 30 meters away from my house just to create the atmosphere its no need for me to build a super details boat. For me its just small detail in my painting to create a living room.


I know my replay is almost off topic but to create a room without lag and crashes, focus on the details and lights there it needs to be , the rest should just be there just to create a illusion.


Long pointless answear, when i just could write.. focus on the atmosphere. That doesnt meen that everything needs to be detaild just to show off if the rest if the room is cold. But you room Llavia is perfect !


// CC

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