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Your Critical Daily Dose


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Alright, this would've been my fourth post in a row in Olesya's thread with no other activity, so I felt like instead of continuing to blow her thread up, I'd break my little one-per-day tune sharing off into it's own thread.


WELCOME ALL! This space station is fully operational. feel free to post your favorite tunes as well, but I'm fully aware there is another thread for that already, so this thread is basically just a place for me to post one a day for you all.


Now for the inaugural broadcast:


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*emerges from his stasis pod and begins fiddling with the main console. After a few attempts, the station sputters to life, and begins aligning it's antenna*


Hmm... looks like I have some minor repairs to do on this station already... But that's none of your concern!


Your concern is to relax and enjoy another Critical Daily Dose!


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*reaches for the mic to greet everyone and knocks over his drink, spilling it all over the console. The picture wavers momentarily as he begins frantically cleaning up the liquid. He sighs visibly and shakes his head before pressing a button off camera. The screen distorts, and snaps back into clarity, displaying the image of a turtle walking along a city street*



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*The Smiling visage of Mr. Hits is suddenly visible on the screen*


Hey everyone! I've waterproofed the entire console, so the problem yesterday shouldn't happen again.


Check out today's Dose:



*As the transmission completes, the space station converts to it's resting state and continues orbiting the moon silently*

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*begins the normal routine of powering-up the space station and stops suddenly, noticing a pending transmission*


Hmm, what's this?


*presses the 'transmit' button to bring the message on screen and watches the broadcast from Luvs with a smile*


Thank you Luvs! I really appreciate all your birthday wishes!


This next Critical Daily Dose is an old favorite of mine, and it's dedicated to you  ;)


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Today's pick is... ! Wait...


I'm in before the RP action... Did I travel back in time? ...


Oh, here it comes... This is weird!


*The space station crests the moon and establishes a firing arc on the forums. A brilliant beam of light pierces the void momentarily and a video projects on all screens at once*


Today's pick is... ! Wait...


I'm Kidding! I know what time it is... was? whatever! Here's the next Critical Daily Dose:


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*looks up from the exposed tubing under the console, wrench in hand*


Hey there folks! Sorry I missed the feed yesterday... Technical difficulties. Everything should be...


*smashes a section of tubing with the wrench and the whole expanse lights up and begins humming*


Just fine now!


Without further adieu:


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Getting everything back online here, I guess I shouldn't have called these the Critical 'Daily' Dose... The 'Daily' part is such a commitment!!!


Anyway, another one incoming!!!


*fires up the station and aims the antenna at the forums*


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*a silhouette creeps beyond the crest of the moon moments  before the void is pierced by a familiar green light. The forums shake with the force of the incoming broadcast momentarily, then every screen lights up*


Hey hey hey my people! This one is from an artist I've known about for quite a while, but just recently found this song. Enjoy!


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